Rapid Cycle Real Time PCR Methods and Applications - Infos zum Artikel - Preisvergleich
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Rapid Cycle Real-Time PCR-Methods and Applications

Rapid cycle real-time PCR is a powerful technique for nucleic acid quantification and analysis that takes less than 30 minutes to complete. Fluorescence is automatically monitored each cycle and the amount of template quantified by advanced analytical methods, such as the second derivative maximum method. Immediately following rapid cycle PCR, melting curve analysis is performed to verify product purity with SYBR Green I and/or genotype with fluorescently-labeled hybridization probes (HybProbes or SimpleProbes). Rapid cycle real-time PCR is often cited as the most versatile, efficient method for nucleic acid quantification in research and climical studies. Molecular analysis has never been easier! TOC: 1: Onno Bakker, Housekeeping genes: A gold standard?- 2: Weisser/ Schnittger, The choice of house keeping genes in MRD-quantification of t(8;21) positive AML.- 3: Ronald H. Lekanne-Deprez, Quantification of mRNA using linear regression of log-linear PCR data-points as an alternative for the standard curve approach.- 4: Jochen Wilhelm, Estimation of genome sizes by quantitative real-time PCR; Applications; Regulation and development.- 5: N. Neubauer, Relative quantification of Insulin gene expression on the LightCycler using SYBR Green I.- 6: Jürgen Loeffler, Quantification of T-Cell receptor excision circle DANN using fluorescence resonance energy transfer and the LightCycler system.- 7: Jim Whelan, Investigation of mitochondrial biogenesis in plants using quantitative Real-Time PCR.- 8: E. Veistinen, Quantification of Ikaros family isoforms by real-time PCR.- 9: P. Stordeur, Methods to quantify cytokine gene expression by real-time PCR; Oncology.- 10: Dr. Bernard, Quantitative profiling for breast cancer using DNA and RNA markers.- 11: Melanie Königshoff, Quantification of HER-2/NEU gene copy number in breast cancer tissue.- 12: Remedios Castelló Cros, Quantitative real-time reverse transcription-PCR assay for urokinase plasminogen activator, plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1, and tissue metalloproteinase inhibitor type 1 gene expressions in primary breast cancer.- 13: C.H.W. Klaasen, Relative quantification of human DNA in feaces (stool).- 14: Chung-Che (Jeff) Chang, Real-time quantification of tumor load (t(14;18))in follicular lymphoma patients.- 15: P. Bolufer, Real time quantification of AML rearrangements (AML1/ETO and TEL/AML1 ) in the diagnosis and monitoring of acute leukemia; Genetics.- 16: Francisco Barros, Gene dosage determination by real-time PCR.- 17: Elaine Lyon, Deletions and duplications of the cytochrome p450 2D6 gene using a reference gene and competitor (Alison Millson).- 18: Karin Berg, Analysis of bone marrow engraftment following in utero bone marrow transplantation in a canine model.- 19: Elaine Lyon, Detection of trisomy 21 using SNP analysis and allele area quantification (Genevieve Pont-Kingdon); Microbiology.- 20: C. Drosten, Rapid detection and quantification of RNA of Ebola and Marburg viruses, Lassa virus by real-time reverse transcription-PCR.- 21: Jörg Berg, Normalized quantification of human cytomegalovirus DNA by competitive real-time PCR on the LC instrument.

Anbieter: Studibuch Shop DE
ab 1.61 Euro*
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