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From hilarious bestselling author, Katie Kirby, comes a brand-new Lottie Brooks story. This time it‘s CHRISTMAS!!! Dear Santa, For Christmas this year, I would like: Two hundred KitKat chunkies (full-size not multipack) Baby Bella to stop shouting ‘BUM‘ in public spaces A new brother who doesn‘t fart on me and call it a ‘tasty air biscuit‘ Antoine or Daniel (I can‘t decide!) to surprise me on Christmas Day with a grand romantic gesture Cash (lots of it!) A new diary (I‘m really getting through them!) Lots of love, Lottie xxx PS. Please could you put a chocolate orange instead of a real orange in my stocking this year? Lottie Brooks LOVES Christmas - there‘s presents, all the KitKat Chunkys you can eat AND no school for two weeks! But this year, Christmas might be a bit more chaotic than usual. The whole Brooks family are visiting for the festive break (along with some surprise visitors . . .), there‘s a Secret Santa to organise, and the hammies won‘t stop attacking Gavin, the Elf on the Shelf! Will Lottie survive the festivities intact or will she have to hide in the fort of shame until it‘s all over? Readers LOVE Lottie Brooks: My daughter couldn‘t put it down and read it in 2 days. Read at breakfast, walking downstairs, tea time, in the bath. My 9-year-old daughter devoured it in two nights, and all I could hear from her was giggling and the occasional ‘Mum! Listen to this! This is SO me!‘. My 12 year old reluctant reader took this book, read 100 pages in one night and proclaimed it ‘the best book ever‘ Katie has managed to capture the essence of what this group think and feel in a positive, life-affirming fashion‘ Have you read all of Lottie‘s embarrassing diaries? Book 1: The Extremely Embarrassing Life of Lottie Brooks Book 2: The Catastrophic Friendship Fails of Lottie Brooks Book 3: The Mega-Complicated Crushes of Lottie Brooks Book 4: Lottie Brooks‘s Totally Disastrous School-Trip Book 5: The Completely Chaotic Christmas of Lottie Brooks Book 6: The Majorly Awkward BFF Dramas of Lottie Brooks Available to pre-order now: Lottie Brooks‘s Totally Essential Guide to Life
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