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The big book of trombone songs

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All my loving / Beatles|All the small things / Blink 182|Alley cat|America|Another one bites the dust / Queen|Any dream will do|Bad day|Barely breathing|Be true to your school|(It‘s a) Beautiful morning|Beauty and the beast|Beyond the sea|Blackbird / Beatles|Blue suede shoes / Presley Elvis|Boogie Woogie bugle boy|The brady bunch|Breaking free|Butterfly kisses|Cabaret|California dreamin‘ / Mamas and Papas|Candle in the wind / John Elton|Chim chim cheree|Clocks / Coldplay|Close to you|Colors of the wind|Come fly with me|Copacabana|Do Re Mi|Do wah diddy diddy|Sittin‘ on the dock of the bay / Redding Otis|Don‘t be cruel|Don‘t let the sun go down on me / John Elton|Don‘t speak|Drift away|Duke of Earl|Theme from ET|Edelweiss|Every breath you take / Police|Everything is beautiful|Fallin‘|Fields of gold / Sting|Fly like an eagle|For once in my life|Forever young|Fun fun fun|The girl from Ipanema (garota de Ipanema)|God bless the USA|Gonna build a mountain|Goodbye yellow brick road / John Elton|Green green grass of home|Happy days|Have I told you lately / Stewart Rod|Heart and soul|Here without you|Hogan‘s heroes march|I dreamed a dream|I heard it through the grapevine / Gaye Marvin|I say a little prayer / Franklin Aretha|I whistle a happy tune|I will remember you|I write the songs / Manilow Barry|I‘m Popeye the sailor man|If I ever lose my faith in you / Sting|Imagine / Lennon John|It‘ my life|It‘s still rock and roll to me / Joel Billy|Jailhouse rock / Presley Elvis|Joy to the world|Jump jive an‘ wail|Kansas City|Kokomo|Let ‘em in|Let‘s stay together / Green Al|Like a rock / Seger Bob|Livin‘ la vida loca / Martin Ricky|Love and marriage|Love story|Maggie May / Stewart Rod|Making our dreams come true|Maybe I‘m amazed / McCartney Paul|Michelle / Beatles|Mickey Mouse March|Mission impossible theme|Mister Sandman|Moon river|My heart will go on / Dion Celine|My way|Na na hey hey kiss him goodbye|On broadway|Peppermint twist|Pocketful of miracles|Puff the magic dragon|Put your hand in the hand|Quiet nights of quiet stars (Corcovado)|Rock around the clock / Haley Bill|Rock with you|Satin doll|Save the best for last / Williams Vanessa|Schindler‘s list theme / Williams John|She will be loved|Sing|So long farewell|Somewhere out there|Spanish flea|Stacy‘s Mom|Sunrise sunset|Take my breath away / Berlin|That‘s amore|This land is your land|Those were the days|A thousand miles / Carlton Vanessa|Time after time|Tomorrow|Top of the world|Twist and shout / Beatles|Unchained melody / Righteous Brothers|Under the boardwalk|United we stand|The way you move|We are the world / USA for Africa|We belong together|What the world needs now is love|With a little help from my friends / Beatles|Wonderful tonight / Clapton Eric|Wooly bully|Yellow submarine / Beatles|You are the sunshine of my life / Wonder Stevie|You raise me up|You‘ve got a friend|Zip a dee doo dah

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