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Glimmer of Deception

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Glimmer of Deception Blurb: I‘m Jinx, a private investigator, a truth seeker and a wizard. You‘d think all those skills would make it easy for me to get to the heart of a problem, but life‘s never so simple. I thought I knew what had happened to my parents the night they died. I thought I finally knew the truth - but I‘ve taken a tumble down a rabbit hole, everything is topsy turvy, and I‘m not sure who I can trust. Add to the mix some rude SOB who keeps trying to kill me. Is it the same guy who targeted my parents - or someone else entirely? I need to stay alive long enough to bring whoever it is to justice, but it looks like Emory and I have got a mole. Someone is betraying us in the worst possible way, and we need to find out who. I need to find my would-be assassin and stop him before he puts the nails in my coffin. I need to locate the leak and plug it - permanently. Oh, and I probably need to stop the rampaging ouroboros who is destroying parts of the city... Except: I stuck out my tongue. ‘I‘m not that drunk. I can still feel my face.‘ I poked myself in the cheek. I couldn‘t feel it at all. ‘Uh-oh,‘ I said to Emory. ‘I can‘t feel my face.‘ His lips twitched as he tried to fight a smile and kissed my forehead. ‘Eat up and you‘ll soon feel your face,‘ he promised. ‘You‘re so wise,‘ I agreed. ‘I think it‘s the last century of living that‘s really sharpened you up.‘ ‘Do you think so?‘ he asked lightly. Through our growing bond, I could feel his amusement and love. He was happy, I was happy. It was nice. I nodded. ‘Yup. That, or hanging out with me.‘ ‘I‘d better keep you around then.‘ ‘Sure. So I was thinking, if we got married would I become Mrs Elite? Because that sounds a little arrogant,‘ I joked. Emory kissed my forehead again. ‘You‘ve been thinking about marrying me?‘ Happiness was pouring down the bond. ‘One day. We‘re already kind of bonded and we get on well. You‘re all sexy. What‘s not to like? So would you ever become Mr Sharp? That‘s less uppity than Mr Elite.‘ ‘I‘m a modern dragon. We could combine,‘ he suggested with a wink. I burst out laughing. ‘Mr and Mrs Shite?‘ Emory barked a laugh. ‘Maybe not.‘ He took my hand under the table, which made eating a little harder but was also pretty nice. We joined in the conversation with the rest of the table and by the end of dinner my buzz had faded slightly. I didn‘t try the face test again, though, just in case. Description: Fans of Annette Marie, Helen Harper and Kim Richardson will love this series. This is a fun urban fantasy mystery novel featuring a women sleuth, with vampires, hell hounds and dragon shifters.

Anbieter: Thalia DE
ab 21.99 Euro*
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