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It Takes 5 to Tango

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Why a book on health care? Our systems have long been broken, even before the Covid-19 pandemic hit. The great progress in medicine is just not affordable any longer. Widespread frustration prevails and finger pointing in a silo-mentality are dominating the public narrative on the matter. Why have we missed the train of digitalization and value-based principles in health care? Any other industry has long recognized that customer focus is the holy grail to success. But, in health care, why have we so terribly lost focus on our ultimate customer - the patient? Digital brings health and patient empowerment to our fingertips. It connects data with people and, people with people. Ultimately, the empowered patient-consumer will choose care delivery from where they get the most value. People who miss the train on digital and value will miss out on future business opportunities and will fail in this industry. After 3 decades at the forefront of health care myself (as a passionate doctor and experienced business leader in pharma), I came to conclude that the solution lies with all of us. Only once providers, pharma, payers, policymakers, and patients, start collaborating, breaking down barriers to cooperation, will we regain efficiencies and make our innovation sustainable! This is a book of solutions and not of complaints. Curious to learn more? What do others say about it? ‘What is certain, and what this book beautifully carves out, is that finger-pointing and singling out villains is no solution‘ writes Philippe von Holle, former president of Celgene International in his Foreword to ‘It Takes Five to Tango‘. Further, Hanna Boëthius, a diabetes patient expert notes: ‘As a patient for many decades, I thoroughly welcome Dr Voelter‘s insightful and visionary drive for a much-needed reform in health care. She outlines what‘s needed for the future: moving from reactivity to proactivity through collaboration, trust, and empowerment. The book delivers tangible advice - backed by both science and personal experience - making it a must-read and must-hear for anyone who is involved in health care in any capacity.‘ This book is for you if you want to be part of the solution rather than the problem! Tune-in and then share your thoughts by joining us in the conversation on Let‘s dance!

Anbieter: Thalia DE
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