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Be Prepared! How to Stay Safe And Alive in An Unsafe World.
Be Prepared! How to Stay Safe And Alive in An Unsafe World From crimes of robbery, terrorism, to natural disasters and more. Be Prepared! That‘s also the Boy Scout‘s motto. But this book is not about scouting. Rather it tells you how to stay safe in an unsafe world. The ultimate guide to safety, security, survival and emergency situations to help you and your family prepare, protect and defend against the uncertain hazards of daily living. How Safe Are You and your family at home, at work, when out socializing, shopping, while traveling? The sad but true reality is no one is immune from the high rates of crime, terrorism, and natural calamities around the globe. ‘Be Prepared!‘ tells the reader how to avoid being the target of criminals along with valuable tips on home security, safe travel, street smarts, car-jacking terrorist attacks, wilderness survival, self-defense tricks, weaponry, remaining safe in a natural disaster like flood, fire or tornado ... even a chapter on preventive health care, how to keep your pets safe ... and so much more! ‘Be Prepared! ‘ is a much needed buffer from the dangers of life that provides practical information that aids readers in becoming more alert to their surroundings and discover simple low-cost prevention measures to improve their safety. Learn how NOT to become the next victim! Those who exercise certain precautions, and know what to be on the lookout for and being alert will increase their odds in staying safe from harm. This family-oriented safety guide features handy references of practical information, much of which is presented in convenient easy-to-read checklists. This book could save your life or the life of someone you love! No household should be without this safety manual. How prepared are you? Are you aware that anyone can become a victim of crime at any moment? Something for Everyone This guide offers useful tips for everybody... men, women, and children alike. Do you live or work in a rough neighborhood? Are you a woman living, working, or traveling alone? Are you worried about becoming common prey of rapists or car-jackers? Could your child be a potential target of kidnappers or incest? Do you know a senior citizen who may be susceptible to scam artists? What Makes this Book Unique: Rather than focusing solely on catastrophic ‘the world is coming to an end‘ perspective like other survival manuals, this book is ed for the everyday person and family. Whether you live in the suburbs or a big city, spend most of your time indoors or in the rugged outdoors. ‘Be Prepared!‘ offers something for everyone! Available as an E-book or in Paperback.
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