My First Animals Let8216s Squeak and Squawk - Infos zum Artikel - Preisvergleich
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My First Animals: Let‘s Squeak and Squawk!

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Hands-on fun for you and your toddler as you learn about animals from all around the world! Introducing ‘My First Animals‘, a brand-new adorable board book for babies and toddlers, featuring a wide range of exciting animals for them to explore and love. This engaging board book is packed with bright, colourful pictures and fun-filled activities to get your little ones thinking and talking, and your child will love learning about animals and the noises they make along the way. Celebrate your child‘s curiosity, as they uncover: -Over 180 colourful photographs of amazing animals -Animals split into 13 distinct groups so kids can learn about different types of animals -Sturdy and chunky board book with safe rounded tabs, thoroughly-tested for babies and toddlers -Easy to read text with names and descriptions to encourage language development in 0-3 year olds. So, what lives at the bottom of the ocean? What noise does a tiger make? What are your favourite pets? Your child will be able to answer all of these questions and more with this vibrant board book, a must-have volume for babies and toddlers aged 0-3 to encourage early learning and help your child develop early speaking, listening, and observation skills. Each page is dedicated to different types of animals, such as farm and sea animals. There are easy to read labels so your little one can practice sounding out the words with you. The interactive book encourages children to count the colourful tropical fish, pretend to talk like a parrot, and find the animal with a long trunk. This delivers a rounded early learning reading experience for young children, whilst they have fun too! The book has strong board pages made especially for young children. The chunky tabs, on the top or the side, are easy to grab to help with early motor control. Nursery school children will be able to quickly recognise the picture on the tab which will take them straight to the page with their favourite animal! Whether it‘s running from rhinos on safari, or greeting gorillas in the jungle, your little one can bring all the animals to life in this inspiring board book. At DK, we believe in the power of discovery. So why stop there! There‘s so much more to explore and love with DK‘s My First collection. With over 15 titles in the collection, your child can discover new topics, people and places to keep them entertained time and time again. Discover all the colours of the rainbow with My First Colours, meet playful puppies and cuddly kittens with My First Baby Animals and have a fabulous time on the farm with My First Farm. Learning has never been more fun!

Anbieter: Thalia DE
ab 9.99 Euro*
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