Power Relaxation with Hypnosis The Lake - Infos zum Artikel - Preisvergleich
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Power-Relaxation with Hypnosis – The Lake

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Who is this hypnosis for: This series of short hypnoses and meditations are especially created for those who have a high-paced life and are looking for quick solutions to recharge their batteries throughout the day. However, you might also find it useful if you: - have difficulty relaxing, - notice that you spend most of your day being tense and would like to change that, - are looking for healthier ways to relax (compared to alcohol, for example). This hypnosis is a quick way to relax and recharge, that can be used throughout the day so that you make full use of your energy resources. How it works: Simply put, it is like a short, but intensive nap in the middle of the day. You see, it is human to experience the need for relaxation throughout the day, not only at the end of it. For example, do you remember that energy low after lunch time? Or how, at the end of a work day, we feel too tired to enjoy the evening? In our high-paced life, it is easy to forget that we need breaks. Or, we do remember, but we don‘t have time. Or at least not enough for that unstoppable chattering box of a mind to shut up. And then we end up running on an empty tank for a big part of our day. For this specific situation, I have created this 15 min hypnotic trance as a powerful way to relax quickly and deeply, unplug our mind and come back to our activities refreshed, regenerated. I say ‘powerful‘ because the state of hypnotic trance is highly relaxing and regenerating (4 time stronger than sleep), which means this hypnosis has the same effect as 1h of sleep. You can use this hypnosis: - in the bus or subway, - during your lunch break, - when you come home from work and you don‘t have much time, - as a way to close the energetic door after work or, - when working from home, whenever you need to clear your headspace. I recommend you to try it a few times and, if you feel it works for you, integrate it into your life for a while. The more you do it, the more your ability to relax grows, the more effective the breaks will become. Disclaimer: The products sold here do not replace medical or psychological therapy. Please take your time when listening to the audio downloads and stop doing anything else that might distract you, e.g., don‘t use them while working or driving a car. ENJOY! Yours Dr. Nidal Moughrabi Life-Coach, MD Hypnotherapy, NLP and Meditation Training

Anbieter: Thalia DE
ab 3.99 Euro*
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