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The Glass House

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‘A masterfully told, character-driven novel that will have you laughing and crying in equal measures‘ THE AUSTRALIAN ‘A deeply empathetic, humanising portrait of a mental health facility, and the souls that pass through it‘ THE AUSTRALIAN WOMEN‘S WEEKLY ‘Stunning . . . [A] unique novel that‘s so timely‘ DAILY TELEGRAPH Psychiatry registrar Doctor Hannah Wright , a country girl with a chaotic history, thought she had seen it all in the emergency room. But that was nothing compared to the psychiatric ward at Menzies Hospital. Hannah must learn on the job as she and her fellow trainees deal with the common and the bizarre, the hilarious and the tragic, the treatable and the confronting. Each day brings new patients: Chloe , who has a life-threatening eating disorder; Sian , suffering postpartum psychosis and fighting to keep her baby; and Xavier , the MP whose suicide attempt masks an explosive story. With intelligence, frankness and humour, eminent psychiatrist Anne Buist tells it like it is, while Graeme Simsion brings the light touch that made The Rosie Project an international bestseller. ‘Anne Buist and Graeme Simsion explore mental illness with wit and wisdom‘ SUNDAY AGE ‘Contains all the comforting trappings of a fast-paced medical procedural‘ SYDNEY MORNING HERALD ‘Casts a non-judgemental but candid, informed and astute eye on the system . . . It arouses our sympathy and empathy, develops our understanding and increases our knowledge in areas long kept hidden or decreed taboo. And it‘s a darn good read‘ LIVING ARTS CANBERRA ‘A racy, pacy ride through heartbreak and the occasional breathtaking miracle‘ COUNTRY STYLE ‘An absorbing read that you‘ll want to stay up late to finish‘ INSTYLE AUSTRALIA ‘A remarkable exposé . . . told with an engaging, light touch reminiscent of Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine and Simsion‘s The Rosie Project‘ BOOKS + PUBLISHING ‘Highly engaging. Brings alive the frontline of mental health care‘ PROFESSOR PATRICK MCGORRY AO, AUSTRALIAN OF THE YEAR 2010 ‘Entertaining, enlightening, it embraces the complexity of what it means to be human‘ MEREDITH JAFFÉ ‘A great read that combines laugh-out-loud moments with those that bring tears to your eyes. Anne Buist skilfully writes from her own experiences and co-author Graeme Simsion adds his inimitable Rosie Project style. An honest, sensitive look into mental health care in Australia‘ PROFESSOR JAYASHRI KULKARNI AM, Psychiatrist, Monash University ‘Gripping, rich and insightful, and brimming with compassion. Shines a light on the grit and dedication of frontline workers, while giving a voice to everyone impacted by mental illness‘ ARIANE BEESTON, author of Because I‘m Not Myself, You See

Anbieter: Thalia DE
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