Data Analytics for Organisational Development Unleashing the Potential of Your Data - Infos zum Artikel - Preisvergleich
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Data Analytics for Organisational Development - Unleashing the Potential of Your Data

A practical guide for anyone who aspires to become data analytics-savvy Data analytics has become central to the operation of most businesses, making it an increasingly necessary skill for every manager and for all functions across an organisation. Data Analytics for Organisational Development: Unleashing the Potential of Your Data introduces a methodical process for gathering, screening, transforming, and analysing the correct datasets to ensure that they are reliable tools for business decision-making. Written by a Six Sigma Master Black Belt and a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, this accessible guide explains and illustrates the application of data analytics for organizational development and , with particular focus on Customer and Strategy Analytics, Operations Analytics and Workforce Analytics. ed as both a handbook and workbook, Data Analytics for Organisational Development presents the application of data analytics for organizational and development using case studies and practical examples. It aims to help build a bridge between data scientists, who have less exposure to actual business issues, and the "non-data scientists." With this guide, anyone can learn to perform data analytics tasks from translating a business question into a data science hypothesis to understanding the data science results and making the appropriate decisions. From data acquisition, cleaning, and transformation to analysis and decision making, this book covers it all. It also helps you avoid the pitfalls of unsound decision making, no matter where in the value chain you work. * Follow the "Five Steps of a Data Analytics Case" to arrive at the correct business decision based on sound data analysis * Become more proficient in effectively communicating and working with the data experts, even if you have no background in data science * Learn from cases and practical examples that demonstrate a systematic method for gathering and processing data accurately * Work through end-of-chapter exercises to review key concepts and apply methods using sample data sets Data Analytics for Organisational Development includes downloadable tools for learning enrichment, including spreadsheets, Power BI slides, datasets, R analysis steps and more. Regardless of your level in your organisation, this book will help you become savvy with data analytics, one of today‘s top business tools. von Kaufmann, UH

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