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Learn Thai

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If you have always wanted to learn Thai quickly but find it too overwhelming or complicated then keep reading … Thai is a fun language to learn, the problem is most learning materials are costly and make language learning too complicated. They start of good but then advance too quickly. Just like those dreaded language classes in school. The result, nothing sinks in, you become overwhelmed and eventually give up. We know learning a foreign language isn‘t easy, it challenges both your brain and your time. Learning new concepts and setting aside time for your learning can be difficult. And if you‘re studying with bad material you can end up getting stuck more than necessary, which isn‘t fun. Most students feel to start learning a language you simply need to start. That‘s true but it‘s better to first find the right resources to help you progress smoothly. Otherwise it can be a real motivation killer. If these are problems you‘ve faced, don‘t worry we‘re here for you. The days of difficult learning are long gone! We‘ve created this book which aims to make language learning simple. We teach you language patterns and grammar structures which can be used to form your own sentences. Instead of set phrases, which aren‘t very practical. No more complex learning! We keep it simple topic to topic and help you progress through Thai smoothly. Starting with greetings, moving to introductions, small talk and then conversations. From the very beginning you‘ll be learning how to speak Thai . And before you know it you‘ll be speaking like a boss! In this book you will discover: • Simple and smooth approach to Thai with topics that slowly build on each other. You won‘t need another grammar book after you‘ve begun reading this one! • Learn how to form your own sentences instead of just set phrases, allowing you to have longer more fun conversations. • Essential vocabulary section with some of the most common words in Thai. You‘ll definitely find this useful! • Totally written in romanji (English characters) , we leave the reading and writing of Thai behind and solely focus on getting you to a conversational speaking level. Even if you‘ve struggled to learn Thai for years and years, this book gives you the missing piece you need towards your fluency journey. So if you want to learn Thai fast and painlessly pick up a copy today.

Anbieter: Thalia DE
ab 23.99 Euro*
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