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The gripping historical debut about a family separated by the Berlin wall - perfect for fans of All the Light We Cannot See, In Memoriam and Alone in BerlinSHORTLISTED FOR THE WATERSTONES DEBUT FICTION PRIZE 2024‘A tautly plotted, deeply involving novel that packs a real emotional punch ... I can‘t recommend this novel highly enough‘ Laura Barnett, author of The Versions of Us‘A hauntingly beautiful exploration of love, family and societal unrest all set against the backdrop of the Berlin Wall‘ Glamour_____Imagine waking up and a wall has divided your city in two. Imagine that on the other side is your child...Lisette is in hospital with her baby boy. The doctors tell her to go home and get some rest, that he‘ll be fine.When she awakes, everything has changed. Because overnight, on 13 August 1961, the border between East and West Berlin has closed, slicing the city - and the world - in two.Lisette is trapped in the east, while her newborn baby is unreachable in the west. With the streets in chaos and armed guards ordered to shoot anyone who tries to cross, her situation is desperate.Lisette‘s teenage daughter, Elly, has always struggled to understand the distance between herself and her mother. Both have lived for music, but while Elly hears notes surrounding every person she meets, for her mother - once a talented pianist - the music has gone silent.Perhaps Elly can do something to bridge the gap between them. What begins as the flicker of an idea turns into a daring plan to escape East Berlin, find her baby brother, and bring him home....Based on true stories, The Silence in Between is a page-turning, emotional epic that will stay with you long after you finish reading.______BOOKSELLER LOVE for THE SILENCE IN BETWEEN:‘Without a doubt one of the best books I have read this year... I can‘t recommend this book enough‘Abbey Rowlinson‘Absolutely heartbreaking and beautiful at the same time. A must-read‘Dominika ‘A sublime story, told beautifully‘Kurde, Horsham‘A truly compelling and moving novel with two incredible female characters I won‘t forget in a hurry‘Tilly Fitzgerald ‘Kind, thoughtful and poignant... an uplifting and hopeful story‘Lauren‘A powerful and emotional book‘Neil Challis, Windsor ‘A thought provoking, ultimately kind and beautifully researched debut‘Beth, Chesterfield ‘I genuinely loved this - it‘s definitely a stand out novel of 2024‘Helen, Scarborough ‘A cracking debut from this talented new author‘Jen Mackay, Windsor ‘This truly has the potential to be the next big story, so full of heart as it is!‘Libby Low‘A powerful story of human resilience and family bonds‘Emma Smith, Bedford ‘A beautiful but heart-breaking read from a wonderful new voice in historical fiction‘Victoria,Aviemore ‘An excellent novel... a sensitive retelling of two critical and terrible periods of Berlin history‘Sean Farrell
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