Bible Story Book For Kids True Bible Stories For Children About Jesus And The New Testament Every Christian Child Should Know - Infos zum Artikel - Preisvergleich
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Bible Story Book For Kids: True Bible Stories For Children About Jesus And The New Testament Every Christian Child Should Know

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☆★Awesome Bible Stories For Your Loved Ones★☆ If you want an important tool to teach your children about the wonderful Bible and all the promises it holds, keep reading! The New Testament is a clear and concise summary of the Greatest Story Ever Told, the Life of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is written for young minds to understand and explore the main points of Jesus‘ birth, life, death, and ascension, as well as the rise of the Christian church. It includes explanations of the locations, culture, hard to understand figures of speech, and the external cultures surrounding his life. This book is geared to readers aged four to eight and is great for reading aloud, reading with your child, or for your child to read by themselves. It is perfect for anyone reading the Bible for the first time. The Beginner‘s Bible is also great for more mature readers, who are not familiar with the language of the Bible. This book is not at all childish. It does not ‘dumb-down‘ any of the stories. Rather, it is written in an approachable manner with language that is intelligent, but not overly complex. The stories about Jesus Christ and what he did are presented in a brief, simple format, suitable to be studied with your children or read to them at night as they drift off to sleep. It is also useful as a study aid, so children can reread the messages of a church sermon in a manner that they can quickly understand. Simple words have been used as much as possible. This book will show your child that the stories of the Bible can be just as exciting as their favorite movie or book! ★★ Grab your copy today and discover★★ ♦ The miracle of the immaculate conception of Mary ♦ The wondrous childhood of Jesus ♦ The friendship that Jesus had with his apostles and disciples ♦ The miracles that Jesus performed for one person or for thousands ♦ The reason that Christ had to be crucified for ♦ How the early Christian church grew for both Jews and Gentiles ♦ How the power of God can still work today for anyone who believes ♦ And much more... These stories can also be read during the commonly celebrated Christian holidays so that the children can understand the real meanings behind the holidays like Easter and Christmas rather than simply the fairy tales that have been used in so many cartoons and mishandled movies. The various gospel accounts have been combined as much as possible to tell the story of Jesus Christ and the church that arose from his ministry in a chronological and consistent manner. Scripture references are included where needed to point the reader into the associated sections of the standard Bible texts. The Bible is one of the most amazing miracles God ever performed and is written so that the youngest child to someone who studied it for his whole life can constantly find deeper and deeper levels of understanding about the love that God has for all his children. It is our hope and prayer that this book will start a journey that will last an entire lifetime of learning about God and loving him as a personal Father, to be born again as a child of God, and eventually to be with God and Jesus Christ through all eternity to come. If you desire to give your child a tool that can reward your child for a lifetime and beyond, don‘t wait any longer. Scroll up and click the buy now button to get this amazing children bible story book today!

Anbieter: Thalia DE
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