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Agents of Timekeepers Incorporated, we need you! In trying to uncover the location of Cleopatra‘s tomb, we seem to have accidentally unleashed a monumental curse upon the world that is ripping the space-time continuum apart. Nothing is where it should be-one agent has sighted a caveman eating a hot dog in Times Square! You must travel back and break the curse to restore the timeline to its proper order. Embark on a thrilling journey through Ancient Egypt in this captivating escape-room experience. Solve challenging puzzles, break centuries-old curses, and discover hidden treasures as you delve into the mysteries of Cleopatra‘s tomb. Use your powers of logic, cunning, and courage to solve the puzzles and save the future. The fate of time itself rests in your hands. Perfect for friends, families, puzzle solvers, and Escape Room fanatics, it‘s suitable for ages 12+, 1 or more players, and has an average 90-minute gameplay. Plus, unlike most escape puzzle games, Timescape: Cleopatra‘s Curse is entirely reusable and re-giftable as the content is not damaged during play if erasable pencil is used for note-taking. How to Play: Step back in time and immerse yourself in the world of Ancient Egypt. You and your fellow agents must work together to break the curse of Cleopatra‘s tomb before your enlightened‘ Time Agency bosses inadvertently unleash it on the world! You and your team will uncover clues, decipher codes, and unravel mysteries to navigate your way through this escape room-style game. Use your combined powers of logic, cunning, and courage to solve the seven puzzles and outwit the Queen of Kings. If you fail, history will be rewritten. But succeed in your mission, and the true timeline will be restored! Who‘s It For: Perfect for friends, families, puzzle solvers, and Escape Room fanatics. What‘s Inside: Your Mission, Seven Puzzle Packets (containing clues and puzzle-solving aids), Answers, Scoresheet ESCAPE ROOM - If you love an Escape Room, then Timescape: Cleopatra‘s Curse is the game for you. Put your powers of logic and wit to the test as you uncover clues, decipher codes, and unravel mysteries. Best of all? You can do it from the comfort of your own home, and it‘s up to you whether you put a clock on it! PERFECT FOR PARTNERS OR PARTIES - Gather your friends and family, and let the games begin! ed for one or more players, ages 12+, this Escape Room-style game has an average 90-minute gameplay. Whether you‘re challenging yourself to complete the game solo, playing with your partner to see who can solve the puzzles first, or teaming up with a group of friends at a game night, there‘s something for everyone to enjoy! RE-GIFTABLE - Unlike most escape puzzle games, Timescape: Cleopatra‘s Curse is entirely reusable, so it can be shared with friends and family to enjoy. There‘s no destruction required to complete the mission, and as long as erasable pencil is used for note-taking, the game can be re-played or re-gifted again and again. And when everyone you know has played, just pop it in the recycling! RIDLEY‘S - Ridley‘s Games invents exciting, original, quality games and toys to spark imaginations, banish boredom, and open up a world of immense fun. Our games offer players a truly unique experience, with innovative bespoke packaging and gameplay. .
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