Spanish for Beginners - Infos zum Artikel - Preisvergleich
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Spanish for Beginners

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Thank you for your interest Spanish for Beginners by Audioacademyeu. The course is ed for absolute and ‘false‘ beginners. So if you started learning Spanish some time ago and now want to brush up on the basics, this is the right audiocourse for you. The course is based on contextual learning, which means that you will not only learn words, but also sentences in which you can use the words you have learned. In this course you will find a total of 2,500 vocabulary words and practice sentences. What is the best way to work with the course? Choose the lesson you want to start with. Each lesson contains six tracks. First, familiarize yourself with the actual vocabulary (tracks 1 and 2). In order to get a better grip over the new expressions in Spanish, in track one you hear the Spanish word twice.Next, you have a word followed by a contextual sentence, again in both translation options (tracks 3 and 4). Then you move on to complete sentences (tracks 5 and 6). ). Again, in track 5, you will hear the sentence in Spanish twice. Once you have mastered translating sentences from English into Spanish (lesson 6) in the time gap before the English translation, you have won. The words alone will help you in understanding the meaning, but using the mastered complete sentences will help you communicate much better. There is a script to this course available for free download at which will make your activities with the course much more effective. In its introduction, you will find a learning guide along with helpful tips on how to make the lessons more effective and a lesson plan for you to record your learning progress. The script is divided thematically into three parts. In the first part you will find a written version of the audio tracks you will listen to. In the second part you will find the writing tests. For each lesson there is one test of vocabulary and one test of sentences. The key to both tests is available right after the tests too In the third part of the script you will find double-sided flashcards that you can cut out with scissors and practice even when you can‘t or don‘t want to listen. The course is narrated by native speakers - Jeff Short in English Pedro García-Guiaro and Begoña García Ferrerira in Spanish. Lesson 001 Living Lesson 002 Travelling Lesson 003 Time Lesson 004 Numbers Lesson 005 Hotel, restaurant Lesson 006_Food Lesson 007 Communication 1 Lesson 008 Communication2 Lesson 009 City Lesson 010 Shopping Lesson 011 Greetings Lesson 012 Work 01 Lesson 013 Work 02 Lesson 014 Nature Lesson 015 Family Lesson 016 Community Lesson 017 Characteristics Lesson 018 Leisure Lesson 019 Phrases

Anbieter: Thalia DE
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