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World War II in Simple French

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Improve your French and learn new words about important topics. When you‘re learning a foreign language, it helps to read about things you‘re interested in. But it can be hard to find books made for language learners. This book solves that problem. For the first time, you can learn French while reading about World War II. The book has short chapters in intermediate French. They‘re easy to understand, and they‘ll help you feel more confident with the words and phrases you need to talk about the things you care about. ‘World War II in Simple French‘ is a real history book without difficult academic words. It tells the story of World War II, not just the big events, but also the lesser-known parts from the famous battles to the social life during 1939 to 1946. There are more than 40 chapters that will teach you about the history of WWII and help you master French at the same time. Here‘s what you‘ll get: 47 easy chapters in French, so you can learn about WWII without struggling to read a hard book. Key facts at the start of each chapter to help you understand. The chapters are made for people who know a little bit of French (CEFR B1-B2), so you can read at your level. Word lists with English meanings in every chapter, so you can quickly understand any difficult words. This way, you can focus on enjoying the history instead of wasting time with a dictionary (available in Kindle & Paperback). Fun facts at the end of each chapter, so you can impress your friends with interesting things about WWII. The book is written in Parisian French, but it uses simple words that people from different French-speaking places can understand, like France, Quebec, or North Africa. Olly Richards, a language teacher and author, created ‘World War II in Simple French‘ to give you a real French experience that you won‘t find anywhere else. You‘ll feel more ready to use French in real life, speak with more confidence, and get closer to being fluent in French!

Anbieter: Thalia DE
ab 18.99 Euro*
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