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1 Kings

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‘The Book of 1 Kings: Kingdoms Rise and Fall‘ unfolds the dramatic story of the Israelite monarchy from the glorious days of King Solomon to the turbulent times leading to the division of the kingdom. This historical and theological narrative, part of the Old Testament, captures the complexities of human leadership, the consequences of obedience and disobedience to God, and the relentless pursuit of God to guide His people despite their failings. Solomon‘s reign marks the beginning of the book, highlighting his wisdom, the construction of the Temple in Jerusalem, and his subsequent fall into idolatry, which sets the stage for the kingdom‘s eventual division. The narrative then shifts to the succession of kings in both the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah, chronicling their reigns, the prophets who challenged or supported them, and the impact of their actions on the fate of the Israelite people. Central to this book are the prophetic ministries of Elijah and, later, Elisha, whose miraculous works and confrontations with rulers underscore the themes of faithfulness, justice, and God‘s power. From Elijah‘s dramatic challenge to the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel to Elisha‘s succession and continuation of prophetic miracles, 1 Kings presents a vivid portrayal of God‘s involvement in the world and His desire for His people to follow Him. 1 Kings is not just a historical record; it is a book rich in lessons about God‘s sovereignty, the dangers of idolatry, and the importance of righteous leadership. It serves as a mirror reflecting the divine-human relationship, the pursuit of power, and the moral and spiritual challenges faced by a nation and its leaders. Readers are invited to explore ‘The Book of 1 Kings: Kingdoms Rise and Fall‘ to gain insight into the early monarchic period of Israelite history, the complexities of its leaders, and the timeless truths about God‘s guidance, judgment, and mercy towards those who rule and those who follow.

Anbieter: Thalia DE
ab 0.99 Euro*
(zzgl. 0.00 EUR* Euro Versand)
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