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Intracellular space as oligogenetic ecosystem. Proceedings

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Frontmatter -- Preface -- Greetings of the eberhard-karls-university tuebingen -- Address of welcome -- Contents -- Part I. Coevolution Of Genome And Virus -- Coevolution Of Proteins And Nucleic Acids / Schuster, Peter -- Genetic Symbionts And The Origin Of Split Genes And Linear Chromosomes / Cavalier-Smith, T. -- Viroids: Their Structure And Possible Origin / Gross, H. J. / Sänger, H.L. / Schumacher, J. / Steger, G. / Riesner, D. -- Primary And Secondary Structures Of The tRNA-Like Regions Of The Genomes Of Plant RNA Viruses / Joshi, R.L. / Joshi, S. / Chapeville, F. / Haenni, A.L. -- Strategies Utilized By Papovaviruses To Modify The Genome Of Host Cells / Sheinin, Rose -- The Early SV 40 Genome Region And Cell Transformation / Graessmann, A. / Graessmann, M. -- Part II: Coevolution Of Genome And Plasmone -- 2.1. Plasts And The Serial Endocytobiosis Hypothesis (= Seh) -- Thesis -- Structure And Evolution Of Organelle DNAS / Wallace, Douglas C. -- General Organization Of The Eucyte And Its Bearings On Cytosymbiosis And Cell Evolution / Sitte, Peter -- Formal Analysis Of Development Of The Eukaryotic Cell / Kunicki-Goldfinger, Wladyslaw J.H. -- Antithesis -- The Locked Cell Hypothesis. Origin Of Intracellular Organelles / Keyhani, Ezzatollah -- 2.2. Chloroplast -- Phylogeny Of Chloroplast DNA: A Recombination Hypothesis On The Evolutionary Organization Of This Organelle DNA Through Endosymbiosis / Ishida, Masahiro R. -- Structure And Function Of Plastid DNA From Several Dicotyledons / Westhoff, P. / Alt, J. / Bisanz, C. / Herrmann, R.G. -- Nuclear-Chloroplast Interactions In Chloroplast Development / Ellis, R. John -- Photocontrol Of Expression Of Nuclear Genes For Chloroplast Proteins / Gallagher, Thomas F. / Smith, Steven M. / Ellis, R. John -- Cooperation Of Cytoplasmic And Plastidial Translation In Formation Of The Photosynthetic Apparatus / Brandt, Peter -- Aldolase And Glucosephosphate Isomerase Isoenzymes From Plant Cells: An Immunochemical Comparison / Krüger, I. / Herbert, M. / Schnarrenberger, C. -- Evolution Of Chloroplast Glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase / Cerff, Rüdiger / Witt, Irene -- An Endocytobiological Perspective: Separate Protein Families of Chloroplast and Cytoplasmic Glyceraldehyde 3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase in Greening Euglena gracilis / Theiss-Seuberling, H.-B. -- 2.3. Mitochondrion -- The Origin And The Evolution Of Cellular Organelles / Hasegawa, Masami / Kikuno, Reiko / Miyata, Takashi / Yano, Taka-aki -- The Evolution Of Mammalian Mitochondrial Genomes: A Stochastic Model For Determining Evolutionary Distances Between Homologous Genes / Attimonelli, M. / Cantatore, P. / Lanave, C. / Saccone, C. / Serio, G. -- Interactions Between Nuclear And Mitochondrial Genomes In The Yeast, Saccharomyces Cerevisiae / Mannhaupt, Gertrud / Pratje, Elke / Michaelis, Georg / Beyreuther, Konrad / Schweizer, Eckhart -- Mitochondrial Genome Divergence In The Petite Negative Yeast Schizosaccharomyces / Wolf, Klaus -- The Mitochondrial Genome In Oenothera Berteriana: A Unique Genetic Code And Exchange Of Genetic Information Between Plastids And Mitochondria In Higher Plants / Brennicke, Axel / Hiesel, Rudolf / Blanz, Paul -- Variation In Animal Mitochondrial Genes And Gene Products / Brown, Gregory G. / Bell, Graham / Desrosiers, Lee / Prussick, Ronald -- The Isolation And Characterization Of The Cytoplasmic DNA And The Storage Of Mitochondria In The Yolk Granules Of Artemia And Drosophila Early Embryos / Marco, R. / Batuecas, B. / Garesse, R. -- Endosymbiotic Origin Of The Mitochondrial Envelope / Cavalier-Smith, T. -- Structural Interactions Of Mitochondria In Situ / Bereiter-Hahn, Jürgen / Fuhrmann, Claudia -- Bypass Respiration: Biological Significance And Evolutionary Implications / Kraepelin, Gunda / Draeger, Siegfried -- 2.4. Relation To Carcinogenesis (Mammal, Plant) -- Mitochondrially-Regulated Cell Surface Changes In Carcinogenesis / John, Philip -- 2.5. Relations To The Circadian Clock And Cell Differentiation -- Cell Division Cycles And Circadian Oscillators In Euglena / Edmunds, Leland N. / Laval-Martin, Danielle L. -- Spatial And Temporal Organization Of Acetabularia: Combinatorial Conditions For Morphogenesis / Driessche, Thérèse Vanden -- Metabolic And Developmental Adaptation Of Eukaryotic Cells As Related To Endogenous And Exogenous Control Of Translocators Between Subcellular Compartments / Wagner, Edgar / Haertle, Ulrich / Kossmann, Isolde / Frosch, Silvia -- Polarity, Gradients, And Cleavage Patterns In Animal Egg Cells / Goodwin, B. -- Is Insect Egg Cell Polarity Caused By A Possible Cooperation Between Ooplasmic Fermentation And Mitochondrial Respiration? / Schwemmler, W. / Kemner, G. / Bereiter-Hahn, J. / Fuhrmann, C. / Kraepelin, G. / Draeger, S. -- Part III. Coevolution Of Host And Endocytobiont Genome -- Contents -- Part IV. Intracellular Ecosystems -- 4.1. Introduction: The Endocytobiotic Cell Hypothesis -- Endocytobiosis As An Intracellular Ecosystem / Schwemmler, W. -- 4.2. Unicellular Eukaryotes As Hosts -- 4.2.1. Amoeba -- Pelomyxa Palustris / Whatley, F.R. / Whatley, Jean M. -- Modulation Of Induced Pinocytosis In Amoeba Protfus / Josefsson, Jan-Owe -- 4.2.2. Flagellata -- Cyanophora -- The Cyanelle Genome From Cyanophora Paradoxa / Bohnert, Hans J. / Michalowski, Christine / Koller, Barbara / Delius, Hajo / Mucke, Hermann / Löffelhardt, Wolfgang -- The Genes For The Two Subunits Of Ribulose-Bisphosphate Carboxylase In Cyanophora Paradoxa / Heinhorst, S. / Shively, J.M. -- On The Biosynthesis Of Photosynthetic Pigments In Cyanophora Paradoxa / Neu-Müller, Margarete / Schenk, Hainfried E.A. -- Chloroplast-Like Thylakoid Development In The Endocyanelle Cyanocyta Korschikoffiana In Synchronized Cyanophora Paradoxa / Brandt, Peter / Harten, Sabine -- The Mutual Relationship Between Cyanophora Paradoxa And Its Cyanelles / Floener, L. / Bothe, H. -- Euglena -- Intracellular Bacteria In The Euglenophyceae: Prolonged Axenic Culture Of An Algal - Bacterial System / Surek, Barbara / Melkonian, Michael -- 4.2.3. Foraminifera -- Experimental Studies Of Symbiont Persistence In Amphtstegtna Lessoni, A Diatom-Bearing Species Of Larger Formainifera From The Red Sea / Lee, John J. / Mc Enery, Marie E. / Koestler, Robert J. / Lee, Monica J. / Reidy, Jason / Shilo, Moshe -- Fine Structural Analysis Of Two Foraminifera With Sequestered Chloroplasts / Lanners, Ellen B. -- 4.2.4. Ciliata -- Types Of Endonuclear Symbiosis In Ciliates / Görtz, Hans-Dieter -- Infection In Paramecium Bursaria As An Inductive Process / Weis, Dale -- The Regulation Of The Endosymbiotic Algal Population Size In Ciliate-Algae Associations. An Ecological Model / Reisser, Werner / Meier, Renate / Kurmeier, Beate -- Photobehavior Of Ciliate-Algae Associations: An Indicator For Symbiosis Formation? / Reisser, Werner / Niess, Dörte -- Nitrogen Metabolism Of The Green Paramecium Bursaria Endosymbiosis / Albers, Dierk / Wiessner, Wolfgang / Reisser, Werner -- Cell-To-Cell Recognition In Green Paramecium Bursaria: The Role Of Algal Surface Structures / Reisser, Werner -- Perialgal And Digestive Vacuoles In Paramecium Bursaria: A Comparative Freeze-Fracture Study / Meier, Renate / Lefort-Tran, Marcelle -- 4.3. Multicellular Eukaryotes As Hosts -- 4.3.1. Plantae -- Plants And Rhizobium -- Genetics Of The Rhizobium Meliloti/Medicago Sativa Symbiosis / Simon, Reinhard / Müller, Peter / Priefer, Ursula / Weber, Gerhard / Pühler, Alfred -- Expression Of Nodule-Specific Genes In Both Partners In The Rhizobium Legume Symbiosis / Bos, R.C. van den / Schetgens, Th.M.P. / Hontelez, J.G.J. / Bakkeren, G. / Dun, C. van / Bisseling, T. / Kanrnen, A. van -- Hybrid Plasmid R68.45 Harboring Nod Gene/S/ Of Rhizobium / Kowalczuk, Edyta / Skorupska, Anna / Lorkiewicz, Zbigniew -- Glycine Max Root Response To Symbiotic Infection / Werner, Dietrich / Mellor, Robert B. / Bassarab, Stefan / Dittrich, W. -- Plants And Agrobacterium -- Cytological Interaction Of Agrobacterium Tumefaciens With Plant Cells On Storage Tissue Discs / Silvere, Ants-Peep -- Crown Gall: Genetic Colonization As An Infectious Mechanism / Schell, J. / Van Montagu, M. / Hernalsteens, J.P. / Willmitzer, L. / Leemans, J. / Joos, H. / Otten, L. / De Greve, H. / Holsters, M. / Zambryski, P. / Herrera, L. / Depicker, A. -- Plants And Mycorrhizal Fungi -- Bacterium-Like Organelles In V.A. Mycorrhizal Fungi / Macdonald, Roderick M. -- Ecological Endosymbiosis: A Study Of The Interactions Between Alder And Poplar Trees Mediated By Mycorrhizal Fungi / Giles, Kenneth L. -- Artificial Symbiosis -- Induced In Vitro Symbiosis Using Algae And Callus Of Daucus Carota On Medium Deficient In Nitrogen / Bradley, Peter M. -- Relationship Of Symbiosis Between Unicellular Green Algae And Nitrogen Fixation Bacteria / Nicolov, N.N. / Kostova, K.P. / Vaklinova, St. G. -- Coelenterata -- The Cost Of Symbionts To Their Host In Green Hydra / Douglas, A. E. / Smith, D. C. -- Carbon Budgets In Symbiotic Associations / Muscatine, Leonard / Falkowski, Paul G. / Dubinsky, Zvy -- Carbon Dioxide Fixation In Symbiodinium Microadriaticum: Problems With Mechanisms And Pathways / Trench, Robert K. / Fisher, Charles R. -- Infection Of Coelenterate Hosts With The Symbiotic Dinoflagellate Symbiodinium Microadriaticum / Fitt, William K. / Trench, Robert K. -- Morphogenic And Stimulating Effects Of Zoochlorellae In Regenerating Hydra Viridis / Rahat, Menachem / Reich, Vanda -- Mineralization In Symbiotic Systems / Taylor, Dennis L. -- Coral Calcification : Light And Dark Reactions (A) (Suppl.) / Taylor, D.L. -- Annelida, Mollusca, Pogonophora -- Chemoautotrophic Bacteria In Marine Invertebrates From Sulfide-Rich Habitats: A New Symbiosis / Cavanaugh, Colleen M. -- Synopsis -- Host Release Factors In Symbioses Between Algae And Invertebrates / Hinde, Rosalind -- 4.3.3. Insecta -- Genetic Control Of Symbiotes By The Host In The Insect Sitophilus Oryzae L. (Coleoptera Curculionidae) / Nardon, Paul / Wicker, Claude -- Differential Vitamin Requirements Of Symbiotic And Aposymbiotic Weevils, Sitophilus Oryzae / Wicker, Claude / Nardon, Paul -- Symbiotes Of Dacus Cucurbitae And Their In Vitro Physiology / Gupta, Meera / Pant, Narendra Chandra -- Intracellular Symbiotes Of Lipaphis Erysimi ( Kalt.) / Gupta, Meera / Pant, Jeewan Chandra -- Biochemistry Of Aphid Symbionts / Ishikawa, Hajime -- Degeneration Processes In Leafhopper Embryonic Mycetome / Tiivel, Toomas -- Ultrastructure Relationships Of Intracellular Bacteria - Like Microorganisms During Embryogenesis Of Ornithodorus Moubata Murray (Ixodoidea: Argasidae) / Amiressami, Mohsen -- Bacteria Associated With The Screwworm Fly [Cochliomyia Hominivorax (Coquerel)] And Their Metabolites / Bromel, M. / Duh, F. M. / Erdmann, G. R. / Hammack, L. / Gassner, G. -- Chitinolytic Activity: A Prelude To A Symbiotic Relationship Between Bacteria And The Screwworm Fly? / Gassner, George / Duh, Fuh-Mei / Bromel, Mary -- 4.3.4. Mammalia -- Bacterial Episomes And Autoimmune Disease / Pease, Phyllis E. -- 4.4. Synopsis -- Ecological Aspects Of Intracellular Symbiosis / Taylor, F.J.R. / Harrison, Paul J. -- Part V. Phylogeny And Systematics Of Host And Endocytobionts (Organelles) -- 5.1. Biochemistry -- Sequence Evidence For The Symbiotic Origins Of Chloroplasts And Mitochondria / George, D.G. / Hunt, L.T. / Dayhoff, M.O. -- Phylogenetic And Endosymbiotic Implications Of The Amino Acid Sequences Of 32 Plant Type Ferredoxins / Scherer, Siegfried / Sontag, Christoph -- The Endosymbiotic Origin Of Organelles: Compelling Support From Ribosomal RNA Sequence Data / Spencer, David F. / Williamson, Susan / Schnare, Murray N. / Gray, Michael W. / Doolittle, W. Ford / Bonen, Linda -- Structural And Functional Studies On Eukaryotic, Eubacterial, Archaebacterial And Organelle Ribosomal 5S Rnas And Organelle Ribosomal 4.5 Rnas / Pieler, Tomas / Kumagai, Izumi / Erdmann, Volker A. -- Phylogeny Of The Archaebacteria And Eukaryotes: Homology Of The Dna-Dependent Rna Polymerases / Schnabel, Ralf / Huet, Janine / Thomm, Michael / Wolfram, Zillig / Senténac, André / Stetter, K.O. -- Evolution Of Two Types Of Photosynthetic Reaction Centers / Olson, John Melvin -- A Phylogenetic Analysis Of Prochloron / Stackebrandt, Erko -- Aspects Of Comparative Biochemistry Of Cyanobacteria In Relation To Their Taxonomy And Endosymbiosis / Holton, Raymond W. -- Auto- Or Exogenous Origin Of Transitional Algae: An Appraisal / Seckbach, J. / Fredrick, J.F. / Garbary, D.J. -- Cyanidium Caldarium: Rhodophyte, Cyanome Or Transitional Species? / Kremer, Bruno P. -- In Vitro Synthesis Of Cyanelle And Rhodoplast Proteins / Zetsche, Klaus / Kaling, Michael / Steinmüller, Klaus -- 5.2. Morphology -- Phylogeny And Organization Of Chloroplast Envelopes / Lefort-Tran, Marcelle -- The Cryptomonad Nucleomorph: Is It The Vestigial Nucleus Of A Eukaryotic Endosymbiont? / Gibbs, Sarah P. -- Phylogeny Of Bacterial And Cyanobacterial Symbionts In Marine Sponges / Wilkinson, Clive R. -- Evolution Of Green Algae In Relation To Endosymbiosis / Melkonian, Michael -- Possible Free-Living Symbiodinium Microadriaticum (Dinophyceae) In Tide Pools In Southern Thailand / Taylor, F.J.R. -- A Re-Examination Of The Relationship Between Unicellular Host And Eucaryotic Endosymbiont With Special Reference To Glenodinium Foliaceum Dinophyceae / Dodge, John D. -- A 6-Klngdom Classification And A Unified Phylogeny / Cavalier-Smith, T. -- Appendix -- Backmatter

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