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Feedback. Part 1

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Transurfing is a powerful tool for managing reality. Apply it and life will begin to change according to your order. When you use Transurfing goals are not reached, so much as realised for the most part of themselves. It seems impossible to believe but only at first. The ideas presented in the book have already received practical confirmation. Those who have tried Transurfing, experience surprise bordering on delight as the world of the Transurfer inexplicably changes before their very eyes.What is the book about?Transurfing is the art of controlling reality using our freedom of choice. The world always reflects our perception of it. People can choose any variant of the development of current reality and thereby find themselves in circumstances they find desirable . To learn how to do this, you have to learn how to establish mutual understanding between the soul and mind, formulate intention and avoid the influence of destructive pendulums.Why should you read this book?Most people who have read ‘Transurfing‘, note that from the very e first pages, the book completely reverses their view of the world and the role of the individual in their own life. A fresh look at reality encourages the reader to consciously relate to the choices they make in any moment, and this really changes their life in the direction they would like. ‘It works!‘ is the phrase found in almost all reviews of Vadim Zeland‘s book.Who is this book for?The book has aroused great interest among the young and middle-aged, those who are interested equally in philosophy, psychology and physics and the mysteries of human consciousness.Why we decided to publish itThe idea of ‘ Transurfing Reality‘ quickly gained popularity when the author posted the text on the Internet. Numerous readers‘ reviews, saying that it really works, and the author‘s original take on the structure of reality prompted the publishers decide to publish Vadim Zeland‘s manuscript. We had no doubt that ‘Transurfing‘ would be popular among a huge audienceAbout the authorVadim Zeland: ‘I‘m over forty. Before the collapse of the Soviet Union I was engaged in research in the field of quantum physics, then computer technology, and now books. I live in Russia. My nationality is Russian, or more precisely, a quarter Estonian. The rest is irrelevant, as is all the above. Regarding my own success, all I can say is that Transurfing works perfectly. I don‘t however want to advertise my personal life, as then it would cease to be personal. Fame turns against you, if you give in to temptation and climb up on a pedestal for all to see. Among some people, the American Indians, for example ,there is a belief that if someone copies your portrait (photographs you), they steal part of your soul. Of course, this is just superstition, but tthere is no smoke without fire. You can distribute a product of personal creativity ; but release your personality for mass circulation – never.To the question of intrigued readers: ‘Who are you, Vadim Zeland?‘, I usually just say: ‘Nobody‘. My biography can not and should not be a matter of interest, since I am not thecreator of Transurfing, only a ‘retranslator‘. It is essential that we be nothing - an empty vessel, so that we do not impose our personal distortions onto this ancient Knowledge, that opens the door to a world, where the impossible becomes possible. Reality ceases to exist as something external and independent. and becomes manageable if you follow certain rules. The secret itself that is hidden only in as much as it lies on the surface, is so great that the personality of its bearer ceases to be relevant. Perhaps the guardians who passed on this knowledge to me are of genuine interest but they too prefer to remain in the wings

Anbieter: Thalia DE
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