50 most powerful Excel Functions and Formulas (eBook, ePUB) - (EAN 6610000030866) - Produktinformationen und Preisvergleich
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50 most powerful Excel Functions and Formulas (eBook, ePUB)

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EXCEL FORMULAS AND FUNCTIONSDo you have a business or are you someone who works with a lot of data? I guess you know how it feels to spend most of the hours in a day working on data. Frustrating, I think. Wasting your time by working manually on data is one of the most embarrassing things that can ever happen to you. You can use the wasted time to become more productive, spend time with your family and loved ones, and even make more money. All this can be achieved if you can invest in Excel . Even though it might be difficult to learn Excel and it might also require more time, its benefit is countless. If you need to prepare data quickly- you can do it only with the help of a computer Excel program.For most people today, working Excel knowledge is very important because it opens various doors of opportunity. Taking the advantage of our short read book, you can develop your Excel skills, have an easy breakthrough, and free more of your time. There are many benefits attached to our incredible short read product if well explored. These are:It saves time. This incredible short read book teaches to use Excel functions in performing heavy financial calculations for your client. Our experience suggests that Excel saves 9 hours out of 10 hours. A perfect guide for beginners learning how to use Excel function. It will help you through your classes. Instructions on how to use the Excel formula and functions are convenient and easy to learn.The quality product can be used as a reference guide because it has a good navigation index.Powerful Excel functions are clearly explained You would have the opportunity to get prepared for meetings that are important quickly The provided solution is cost-effective as you can get the short read product at a price less than a cup of coffee- A profitable product that will save you 90% of your work time (savings could be more than 1000 USD/month).No doubt, we admit the fact that this product is not highly detailed. We were focused on providing you with product that saves your money and time. We understand that you are very busy with carrier, family and hobbies. Have it in mind that each day you postpone using this product; you get 90% of your work time wasted. Nothing is as exciting as being on the winning side. With the 100% risk-free guaranteed by the product you can try it for a full 7 daysThat‘s real... If you are not satisfied, you can visit "Manage your Kindle" page and ask for a complete refund within 7 days.To free your time and become more productive, click the buy button on the upper right side of the page and obtain your copy of the powerful product in just a single click!Note: Remember that each day you delay using this product; you deny yourself 90% of your work time. Buy this winning product now!

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50 most powerful Excel Functions and Formulas (eBook, ePUB) - Preisvergleich (EAN 6610000030866)

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50 most powerful Excel Functions and Formulas (eBook, ePUB) buecher DE zum Artikel
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