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‘ The fantasy novel that every fantasy reader has been waiting for‘ Jay Kristoff ‘Long Live Evil is a glorious, swoon-worthy villain romance . What a delicious read‘ Tasha Suri A TALE FOR ANYONE WHO‘S EVER FALLEN FOR THE VILLAIN... When her whole life collapsed, Rae still had books. Dying, she seizes a second chance at living: a magical bargain that lets her enter the world of her favourite fantasy series. She wakes in a castle on the edge of a hellish chasm, in a kingdom on the brink of war. Home to dangerous monsters, scheming courtiers and her favourite fictional character: the Once and Forever Emperor. He‘s impossibly alluring, as only fiction can be. And in this fantasy world, she discovers she‘s not the heroine, but the villainess in the Emperor‘s tale. So be it. The wicked are better dressed, with better one-liners, even if they‘re doomed to bad ends. She assembles the wildly disparate villains of the story under her evil leadership, plotting to change their fate. But as the body count rises and the Emperor‘s fury increases, it seems Rae and her allies may not survive to see the final page. This adult epic fantasy debut from Sarah Rees Brennan puts the reader in the villain‘s shoes, for an adventure that is both ‘brilliant‘ (Holly Black) and ‘supremely satisfying‘ (Leigh Bardugo). Expect a rogue‘s gallery of villains including an axe wielding maid, a shining knight with dark moods, a charmingly homicidal bodyguard, and a playboy spymaster with a golden heart and a filthy reputation. ***** ‘ Audacious, and supremely satisfying , Long Live Evil is the chosen one we‘ve been waiting for . It succeeds as both a brilliant meditation on the pleasures and perils of fiction, and a sweeping, romantic adventure in its own right. Get ready to laugh out loud, cry in public, and cheer on the villains as Brennan smashes through tropes with witty, wild glee in this delicious, subversive treat of a book‘ Leigh Bardugo ‘The compulsion Brennan casts over her readers is unholy. Not only could I not put Long Live Evil down, I barely remembered to blink. It was so immersive that when I finished I put my face in my pillow and screamed in actual devastation at being kicked out of the story. Utterly magical‘ Shelley Parker-Chan ‘Sarah Rees Brennan‘s charms are unmatched. Her books makes you feel as if you‘re in on the joke and always invited on the most fantastic and romantic adventure ‘ Rainbow Rowell ‘Long Live Evil is the huge-hearted and whip-smart epic fantasy of my dreams. I went in laughing and came out crying, and so will you. I‘m obsessed‘ Alix E. Harrow ‘Brennan‘s brilliant Long Live Evil harnesses clever banter, delightful turns of phrase, and epic worldbuilding in the service of exploring the nature of stories and the freedom that comes with embracing being named a villain - and maybe actually becoming one. Most of all, it introduces us to Rae, who uses her quick-thinking, loyalty, and ferocity to sidestep (and do the occasional musical number around) doom‘ Holly Black ‘ Laugh out loud, heartfelt and searing in the same breath . Simultaneously a send-up and a tribute to the tropes, fandom and power of fantasy, Long Live Evil is a romp that leaves you asking: are we all the villains in someone else‘s narrative?‘ Eliza Chan
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