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Boule de SuifPreis vergleichenMaupassant‘s early story ‘Boule de Suif,‘ (‘Ball-of-Tallow‘) from 1880, remains a hallmark and a natural starting point. It‘s about a prostitute whose refrain, like... Anbieter: Thalia DE A Garland for GirlsPreis vergleichenThe reader is introduced to several young women who discover great satisfaction when they do what each can do and still have a renewed desire to be of more assistance while also witnessing the more so... Anbieter: Thalia DE Bethink Yourselves!Preis vergleichenAs Russia goes to war against Japan, Tolstoy urges those at all levels of society, from the Tsar down to the common soldier, to consider their actions in the light of Christ‘s teaching. ‘H... Anbieter: Thalia DE Boule de SuifPreis vergleichenMaupassant‘s early story ‘Boule de Suif,‘ (‘Ball-of-Tallow‘) from 1880, remains a hallmark and a natural starting point. It‘s about a prostitute whose refrain, like... Anbieter: Thalia DE The Tin Woodman of OzPreis vergleichenJoin the Tin Woodman and the Scarecrow as they journey across the fantastic magical Land of Oz in search of the Tin Woodman‘s long-lost sweetheart. In a series of adventures sure to thrill Oz fa... Anbieter: Thalia DE The Redeemer‘s ComingPreis vergleichen5. The Last Supper: Holmes is addressing all of the monks in the dining room, and the Abbot asks all his fellow Friars to go to confession, as an attempt to identify the perpetrator. Anbieter: Thalia DE The Redeemer‘s ComingPreis vergleichen5. The Last Supper: Holmes is addressing all of the monks in the dining room, and the Abbot asks all his fellow Friars to go to confession, as an attempt to identify the perpetrator. Anbieter: Thalia DE The Story of a MotherPreis vergleichen‘The Story of a Mother‘ (Danish: Historien om en moder) is a story by the Danish poet, travel writer, short story writer, and novelist Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875). The tale was fir... Anbieter: Thalia DE The Story of Muhammad DinPreis vergleichenFirst published in the Civil and Military Gazette on 8 September, 1886, reprinted in the United Services College Chronicle on 18 December the same year, and collected in Plain Tales from the Hills in ... Anbieter: Thalia DE The Valiant Little TailorPreis vergleichen‘The Valiant Little Tailor‘ is a German fairy tale collected by the Brothers Grimm, tale number 20. Joseph Jacobs collected another variant ‘A Dozen at One Blow‘ in European Fo... Anbieter: Thalia DE For Freedom of Spelling: The Discovery of an ArtPreis vergleichen‘For Freedom of Spelling: The Discovery of an Art‘ by H. G. Wells is a short essay. H. G. Wells once different, humorous social satire and ironic. It is curious that people do not grumble ... Anbieter: Thalia DE The Essence of All Religion - English Audio BookPreis vergleichenThose seeking to lead a spiritual life inevitably face challenges in their pursuit of spirituality and practice. As spiritual development progresses, facing one‘s faults, failures, and unintenti... Anbieter: Thalia DE The Music of Erich ZannPreis vergleichenDue to lack of funds, a student studying metaphysics abroad is forced to take up lodging in a cheap apartment building on a street named the ‘Rue d‘Auseil‘. The street is not far fro... Anbieter: Thalia DE The Quest of IranonPreis vergleichenThe story is about a golden-haired youth who wanders into the city of Teloth, telling tales of the great city of Aira, where he was a prince. While Iranon enjoys singing and telling his tales of wonde... Anbieter: Thalia DE Cat and Mouse in PartnershipPreis vergleichenA cat and a mouse, contrary to the custom of their kinds, become friends, such good friends that they decide to share a home. That they might have something to fall back on in time of need, they buy a... Anbieter: Thalia DE How the tit wanted to burn the seaPreis vergleichenIn the fairy tales of Ivan Yakovych Franko, under the guise of animals, people are ridiculed with their shortcomings: greed, ingratitude, cruelty and rudeness, tricks and laziness. In fairy tales, ani... Anbieter: Thalia DE The DefendersPreis vergleichen‘The Defenders‘ is a 1953 science fiction novelette by American author Philip K. Dick, and the basis for Dick‘s 1964 novel The Penultimate Truth. It is one of several of his stories ... Anbieter: Thalia DE The Music of Erich ZannPreis vergleichen‘The Music of Erich Zann‘ is a horror short story by American author H. P. Lovecraft. Written in December 1921, it was first published in National Amateur, March 1922. Due to lack of funds... Anbieter: Thalia DE The RequiemPreis vergleichen‘The Requiem‘ is an 1886 short story by Anton Chekhov. Andrey Andreyitch, a shopkeeper, comes to the local village church to ask for prayers for his recently deceased daughter Maria, and i... Anbieter: Thalia DE The fish called NoPreis vergleichenShould one, in your opinion, rely solely on someone‘s words when forming their expectations, plans, or dreams? Shall we ask The Fish called No? maybe she knows... Anbieter: Thalia DE Sonya and the dream of the PenguinPreis vergleichenSonya the Owl meets a baby penguin and experience her dream. This story is about a small, brave and inquisitive snowy owl named Sonya. Do you know Sonya? She lives in the North with her family. She re... Anbieter: Thalia DE The Hound of the BaskervillesPreis vergleichenThe Hound of the Baskervilles is the third of the four crime novels written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle featuring the detective Sherlock Holmes. Originally serialised in The Strand Magazine from August ... Anbieter: Thalia DE The Adventure of Wisteria LodgePreis vergleichenThe Adventure of Wisteria Lodge is one of the fifty-six Sherlock Holmes short stories written by Arthur Conan Doyle. One of eight stories in the volume His Last Bow, it is a lengthy, two-part story co... Anbieter: Thalia DE Trout tapePreis vergleichen‘Trout tape‘ is one of the most fascinating works of the English by writer Arthur Conan Doyle. The story was published in the February 1892 issue of the Strand Magazine. A girl named Helen... Anbieter: Thalia DE Hush Little BabyPreis vergleichenPreorder the BRAND NEW psychological thriller from the author of top 50 bestseller The Perfect Parents When she hears the baby crying, she knows she has to do something to keep it safe. To protect it ... Anbieter: Thalia DE
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