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Before AdamPreis vergleichenWritten in 1906, Before Adam is a bit of a departure from London‘s other novels. Still an adventure novel, this one revolves around the dreams of a young boy, dreams that involve racial memories... Anbieter: Thalia DE 20000 Leagues Under The SeaPreis vergleichenOriginally published 1870, this recording is from the English translation by Frederick P. Walter, published 1991, containing the unabridged text from the original French and offered up into the public... Anbieter: Thalia DE Anne‘s House of DreamsPreis vergleichenAnne‘s own true love, Gilbert Blythe, is finally a doctor, and in the sunshine of the old orchard, among their dearest friends, they are about to speak their vows. Soon the happy couple will be ... Anbieter: Thalia DE Annes House of DreamsPreis vergleichenAnne‘s own true love, Gilbert Blythe, is finally a doctor, and in the sunshine of the old orchard, among their dearest friends, they are about to speak their vows. Soon the happy couple will be ... Anbieter: Thalia DE Just So StoriesPreis vergleichenJust So Stories is a collection of Rudyard Kipling‘s animal tales in which we learn about ‘How the Whale got his Throat‘, ‘How the Camel got his Hump‘, ‘How the Rhi... Anbieter: Thalia DE Just So StoriesPreis vergleichenJust So Stories is a collection of Rudyard Kipling‘s animal tales in which we learn about ‘How the Whale got his Throat‘, ‘How the Camel got his Hump‘, ‘How the Rhi... Anbieter: Thalia DE Heart of DarknessPreis vergleichenThis classic tale of intrigue, mystery and adventure takes place on the ivory harvesting and trade route in the Congo, in the depths of Africa. In this book, Marlow, a sea captain on a ship at anchor,... Anbieter: Thalia DE The Little MermaidPreis vergleichenThe Little Mermaid lives in an underwater kingdom with her father, the sea king; her grandmother and her five elder sisters. When a mermaid turns 15, she is allowed to swim to the surface to watch the... Anbieter: Thalia DE The Little MermaidPreis vergleichenThe Little Mermaid lives in an underwater kingdom with her father, the sea king; her grandmother and her five elder sisters. When a mermaid turns 15, she is allowed to swim to the surface to watch the... Anbieter: Thalia DE The Mirror of the SeaPreis vergleichenFirst published in 1906, The Mirror of the Sea was the first of Joseph Conrad‘s two autobiographical memoirs. Discussing it, he called the book ‘a very intimate revelation. . . . I have at... Anbieter: Thalia DE The Offshore PiratesPreis vergleichenThis short story begins on a yacht anchored off the Florida coast where a young woman, Ardita, and her Uncle are engaged in a heated discussion about her dating decisions. Ardita, independent and stub... Anbieter: Thalia DE Lord KitchenerPreis vergleichenHoratio Herbert Kitchener was Irish by birth but English by extraction, being born in County Kerry, the son of an English colonel. The fanciful might see in this first and accidental fact the presence... Anbieter: Thalia DE The Ghost PiratesPreis vergleichenThe Ghost Pirates is a powerful account of a doomed and haunted ship on its last voyage, and of the terrible sea-devils (of quasi-human aspect, and perhaps the spirits of bygone buccaneers) that besie... Anbieter: Thalia DE The Ghost PiratesPreis vergleichenThe Ghost Pirates is a powerful account of a doomed and haunted ship on its last voyage, and of the terrible sea-devils (of quasi-human aspect, and perhaps the spirits of bygone buccaneers) that besie... Anbieter: Thalia DE Amy FosterPreis vergleichenThe story of a dull-witted but compassionate English girl who falls in love with a strange man from Eastern Europe. This ignorant, wild, and romantic peasant from the Carpathian Mountains has been cas... Anbieter: Thalia DE The Cruise of the SnarkPreis vergleichenThe Cruise of the Snark (1913) is a memoir of Jack and Charmian London‘s 1907-1909 voyage across the Pacific. His descriptions of ‘surf-riding‘, which he dubbed a ‘royal sport&... Anbieter: Thalia DE The Sea WolfPreis vergleichenThe novel begins when Van Weyden is swept overboard into San Francisco Bay, and plucked from the sea by Larsen‘s seal-hunting vessel, the Ghost. This ship‘s evil captain, Wolf Larsen - The... Anbieter: Thalia DE Stories of Ships and the SeaPreis vergleichen5 Exciting short stories by one of Americas best story tellers. - Chris Farrington: Able Seaman - Typhoon Off the Coast of Japan - The Lost Poacher - The Banks of the Sacramento - In Yeddo Bay Anbieter: Thalia DE The Cruise of the DazzlerPreis vergleichenThe Cruise of the Dazzler is an early novel by Jack London, set in his home city of San Francisco. It is considered a boy‘s adventure novel. In the novel, Joe Bronson, dissatisfied with his dull... Anbieter: Thalia DE Redburn: His First VoyagePreis vergleichenMelville wrote of some of his earliest experiences at sea in the story of Wellingborough Redburn, a wet-behind-the-ears youngster whose head was filled with dreams of foreign travel and adventure. In ... Anbieter: Thalia DE The Oblong BoxPreis vergleichen‘The Oblong Box‘ is a short story by Edgar Allan Poe that explores human mysteries and obsessions. The narrative follows a man who, during a sea voyage, becomes intrigued by a strange oblo... Anbieter: Thalia DE The Scarecrow of OzPreis vergleichenCap‘n Bill and Trot journey to Oz and, with the help of the Scarecrow, the former ruler of Oz, overthrow the villainous King Krewl of Jinxland. Cap‘n Bill and Trot had previously appeared ... Anbieter: Thalia DE The Sea LadyPreis vergleichenA mermaid contrives to have herself ‘rescued from drowning‘ and adopted by a respectable family on the English coast. Her motive, which she conceals for quite a while, is to win the heart ... Anbieter: Thalia DE The Sea Raiders (eBook, ePUB)Preis vergleichenIsolated on a deserted beach, a horrified witness witnesses a brutal attack by gigantic sea creatures. Faced with the unspeakable, he will have to confront his own demons and unravel the mysteries of ... Anbieter: buecher DE The Sea Raiders (eBook, ePUB)Preis vergleichenIsolated on a deserted beach, a horrified witness witnesses a brutal attack by gigantic sea creatures. Faced with the unspeakable, he will have to confront his own demons and unravel the mysteries of ... Anbieter: buecher DE
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