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Property Management Kit For Dummies
Before you put that FOR RENT sign in the yard, read this Hello there, future landlord. You‘ve found what you‘re looking for--a complete package of information and resources to teach you what you need to know and make your life (and your tenants‘ lives) easier. With Property Management Kit For Dummies, you can learn how to manage single-family homes, large apartment buildings, treehouses, dollhouses... okay, there‘s not much info here on managing dollhouses, but everything else is definitely covered. Find good tenants, move them in, and keep them happy and paying rent on time. When it comes time for a change, learn how to move tenants out and turn over the property, easy as pie. This book makes it simple to understand tax and insurance requirements, building maintenance concerns, and financial record keeping. Plus, the updated edition reflects the current rental property boom, new technologies, changes to the law, and the inside scoop on the latest Fair Housing issues to keep you out of court. Emotional support animals? Rent control? Bed bugs? Eviction? It‘s all in here. * Find out whether property management is right for you, learn what you need to get started, and be successful as your residential rental property portfolio grows * Get your ducks in a row--develop solid marketing and advertising strategies and resources, build up-to-date rental contracts, figure out the legal side of things, and minimize your income and property tax bills * Make sure you‘re renting to responsible people, and deal with the occasional problem tenant without major drama * Maximize your cash flow by keeping your rents at market prices, efficiently handling maintenance, and ensuring your property has great curb appeal with the features and benefits sought by today‘s tenants Become a top-notch property manager with this one-and-done reference, plus online bonus materials. von Griswold, Robert S.
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