The Alpha Lion8216s Helpless Kitten - Infos zum Artikel - Preisvergleich
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The Alpha Lion‘s Helpless Kitten

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I was just a poor, helpless kitten. Born and raised as an alley cat, I never really figured out the whole survival game. I hated begging. I hated rummaging around in other people‘s trash. Most of all, I hated being alone. But I had no choice. Day after day it was nothing but bleak survival. Pounding the pavement until my little paws nearly bled, begging for scraps, working odd jobs and hoping and praying that I‘d be able to make it through another night with an empty belly. Tonight was going to be different, though. I could feel it in my feline bones. A glimmer of hope sprung into my downcast eyes and my whiskers twitched as something inside me whispered that a new chapter of my life was on the horizon. Ralph It was another ho-hum, boring night at the station. All the calls were of the normal variety. Cats stuck in trees, the odd vagrant rummaging in the wrong person‘s trash and maybe a runaway or three. Nothing very much interesting. When I signed on to the PD several years ago, I was a fresh-faced recruit with flashing images of gnarly firefights and high-speed chases throughout town. I dreamt of rescuing fair omegas from rough brutes and solving long-forgotten crimes. I envisioned the Mayor trotting me out on a weekly basis, tying ribbons and medals around my neck for my bravery and accuracy. He‘d tell the world how I‘d saved the town again from fierce bandits and savage gangs. My dreams were quickly dashed when I realized that most of what we do was paperwork. That and sitting around in our cruisers all night. How I longed for some action! I silently pounded my fist and wished that something - anything - exciting would happen. As I was nodding off, I heard the beep and looked at the display in my cruiser. I‘d just finished up some paperwork - some local kid had got himself in trouble stealing some candy from a local store. Bo-ring. What I expected to see and what I actually saw on my screen were two very wildly different things. I yawned, just knowing that this was going to be another silly cat who had gotten himself stuck in a tree or maybe an alpha spied a suspicious-looking character lurking around his garden. Probably his gardener. That‘s not what it was, though.

Anbieter: Thalia DE
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