Stay Motivated Boost Self Discipline, Stop Procrastination, Develop Good Habits Become a Better You - Infos zum Artikel - Preisvergleich
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Stay Motivated: Boost Self-Discipline, Stop Procrastination, Develop Good Habits & Become a Better You

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Stay Motivated: Boost Self-Discipline, Stop Procrastination, Develop Good Habits & Become a Better You If you want to Boost Self-Confidence, Stop Worrying & Shyness, Improve Body Language & Become a Great Leader, then this is your book! This book consists of amazing tips and techniques on how to improve your self-confidence so you can overcome social anxiety and shyness. What are you waiting for? Kick off your bad habits now and start learning how to control and change yourself—for the better. What You‘ll Learn in Stay Motivated: Boost Self-Discipline, Stop Procrastination, Develop Good Habits & Become a Better You... How to Become a Minimalist and Declutter Your Life How to Beat Procrastination Forever How to Master Your Time and Get Things Done How to Build Your Self-Confidence How to Increase Your Willpower How to Boost Your Self-Esteem How to Win Friends Through the Power of Charisma How to Develop Emotional Intelligence What You‘ll Also Discover Inside... Expect more from yourself than others. The good news - everybody believes in what you show. Nobody can read your thoughts to know your doubts. The bad news - you can interpret every people‘s sight in a wrong way. Any weird reaction and you start worrying without any reason. Psychologists recommend listening to your ‘inner voice‘. Try a small experiment: note down every thought while you are lacking of self-confidence. Every time you start worrying, do a three-minute break. Take the list and remind yourself how good you are. Show to your brain the material proof of your self-confidence. Communicate with positive and confident people more. Positive individuals are not trying to pressure you. Choose or rearrange your social circle, as it directly affects your self-confidence. There is a right phrase - ‘Lives with the cripple, learns how to limp‘. Appearance is everything. When you look good you feel good. Simple. If you are walking around looking like you just got out of a rubbish bin, you probably won‘t be too confident about yourself. We all know how you feel when you walk out of the hairdresser, you walk a bit taller, you walk with purpose. So look after yourself and dress your best and you will feel your best. You know your best features to show them off! This book will help you to get to know yourself better and learn how to focus on your strengths in order for you to become self-disciplined and successful. Improving yourself takes time and effort. You have to be willing to make the changes and be committed to taking action rather than just reading about them. The next step is to put the things you have learned in action and begin to change your life.

Anbieter: Thalia DE
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