THE COMPLETE JUICING RECIPE BOOK - Infos zum Artikel - Preisvergleich
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How often do you drink juice? I don‘t mean the boxed, bottled or processed varieties, but glasses of juice made from fresh, whole, and healthy ingredients. If you love drinking juice, then this eBook will surely prove useful to you as it is all about how you can get the most out of this refreshing drink. If you don‘t drink juice or you don‘t make your own juice at home, now is the time to start. These days, food has become so varied and abundant that a lot of people end up overindulging frequently. Processed meat products, high-sugar pastries, junk foods, fast foods, and more. As you keep eating these kinds of foods, you may notice yourself gaining weight and developing a number of troubling health issues. Because of this, you would look for ways to detoxify and ‘reset‘ your body to improve your health. If you are reading this eBook, it means that you have realized that it‘s time for you to start changing your habits. This is a great thing! Now, the next step is to determine how you can start on the path towards a healthier body. For this, juicing might just be the key to unlock a healthier you. While juicing may seem simple and easy, there‘s more to it than most people think. For one, juicing comes with a bunch of health benefits that you will surely be interested in. Here are some examples: A. Juicing helps you increase your fruit and veggie intake per day. B. Juicing allows you to consume a lot of nutrients that your body will absorb easily. C. Juicing offers detoxifying effects to make you healthier. D. Juicing promotes weight loss. E. Juicing gives you more energy. F. Juicing is simple, easy, and it offers a lot of variety. G. Juicing is suitable for adults and children too-although the juicing methods may vary according to age. H. Juicing gives your immune system a boost von Rolf Woolery

Anbieter: Studibuch Shop DE
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