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All I want for christmas is you|All my heart this night rejoices|All through the night|Angels from the realms of glory|Angels we have heard on high|As long as there‘s christmas|As with gladness men of old|Auld lang syne|Away in a manger 1|Away in a manger 2|Baby it‘s cold outside|Because it‘s christmas (for all the children)|Blue christmas|The boar‘s head carol|Brazilian sleigh bells|Break forth o beauteous heavenly light / Bach Johann Sebastian|Bring a torch Jeannette Isabella|Carol of the bells|Carol of the birds|Caroling caroling|A caroling we go|A child is born in Bethlehem|The chipmunk song|Christ was born on christmas day|Christmas|Christmas all across the USA|Christmas in Dixie|Christmas is|Christmas is a comin‘ (may god bless you)|Christmas is all in the heart|The christmas song (chestnuts roasting on an ofen fire)|Christmas star|Christmas time is here|The christmas waltz|Cold December nights|Come thou long expected Jesus|Coventry carol|Tanz der Zuckerfee (aus Nussknacker) / Tschaikowsky Pjotr Iljitsch|Deck the halls|Ding dong merrily on high|Do they know it‘s christmas - Feed the world|Do you hear what I hear|Don‘t save it all for christmas day|Feliz navidad|The first noel|The friendly beasts|From heaven above to earth I come|Frosty the snowman|Fum fum fum|The gift|Go tell it on the mountain|God rest ye merry gentlemen|Going home for christmas|Good Christian men rejoice|Good king Wenceslas|Grandma got run over by a reindeer|Grandma‘s killer fruitcake|The greatest gift of all|Greenwillow christmas|Grown up christmas list|Happy christmas little friend|Happy Hanukkah my friend (The Hanukkah song)|Happy holiday|Happy xmas (war is over) / Lennon John|Hard candy christmas|Hark the herald angels sing|He|He is born the holy child|Here comes Santa Claus|Here we come a wassailing|The holly and the ivy|A holly jolly christmas|There‘s no place like home for the holidays|Hymne|I am so glad on christmas eve|I heard the bells on christmas day|I saw mommy kissing Santa Claus|I saw three ships|I wonder as I wander|I‘ll be home for christmas|I‘m spending christmas with you|I‘ve got my love to keep me warm|In the bleak midwinter|It came upon the midnight clear|It must have been the mistletoe (our first christmas)|It‘s beginning to look like christmas|It‘s christmas time all over the world|It‘s just another new year‘s eve|Jesu bleibet meine Freude (aus Kantate 197) / Bach Johann Sebastian|Jesus holy born so lowly|Jingle bell rock|Jingle bells|Jingle jingle jingle|Jolly old Saint Nicholas|Joy to the world|Last christmas / Wham|The last month of the year (what month was Jesus born in)|Let it snow let it snow let it snow|Let‘s have an old fashioned christmas|Little saint Nick|Lo how a rose e‘er blooming|Everybody‘s waitin‘ for the man with the bag|March of the three kings|A marshmallow world|Masters in this hall|Mele kalikimaka|Merry christmas baby|Merry christmas darling|Merry christmas Merry christmas|The merry christmas Polka|A merry merry christmas to you|Miss you most at christmas time|Mister Santa|Mistletoe and holly|The most wonderful day of the year|The most wonderful time of the year|My favorite things|My only wish this year|The night before christmas song|Nuttin‘ for christmas|O christmas tree|O come all ye faithful (Adeste fideles/Herbei o ihr Gläubigen)|O come o come Emmanuel|O holy night|O little town of Bethlehem|O sanctissima|Of the father‘s love begotten|Old toy trains|On christmas night|Once in royal David‘s city|Pat a pan|Please come home for christmas / Eagles|Pretty paper|Rise up shepherd and follow|Rockin‘ around the christmas tree / Lee Brenda|Rudolph the red nosed reindeer|Santa baby|Santa bring my baby back (to me)|Santa Claus is back in town|Santa Claus is comin‘ to town|Shake me I ratle (squeeze me I cry)|Shepherds shake off your drowsy sleep|Silent night|Silver and gold|Silver bells|Sing we now of christmas|Snowfall|Some children see him|Some things for christmas (A Snake some mice some glue and a holy too)|Somewhere in my memory|Special gift|The star carol|Still still still|Suzy Snowflake|Tennessee christmas|That Christmas feeling|This christmas|Toyland|The 12 days of christmas|Up on the housetop|Watchman tell us of the night|We need a little christmas|We three kings of Orient are|We wish you a merry christmas|Wexford Carol|What are you doing new year‘s eve|What child is this (Greensleeves)|When christmas morn is dawning|When Santa Claus gets your letter|The white world of winter|Who would imagine a king|Wonderful christmastime / McCartney Paul|You don‘t have to be alone|You‘re all I want for christmas
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