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**Selected for Doody’s Core Titles® 2024 with ‘Essential Purchase‘ ation in Advanced Practice** Edited and written by a ‘Who‘s Who‘ of internationally known thought leaders in advanced practice nursing, Hamric and Hanson‘s Advanced Practice Nursing: An Integrative Approach, 7th Edition provides a clear, comprehensive, and contemporary introduction to advanced practice nursing today, addressing all major APRN competencies, roles, and issues. Thoroughly revised and updated, the 7 th edition of this bestselling text covers topics ranging from the evolution of advanced practice nursing to evidence-based practice, leadership, ethical decision-making, and health policy. Coverage of the full breadth of APRN core competencies defines and describes all competencies, including direct clinical practice, guidance and coaching, evidence-based practice, leadership, collaboration, and ethical practice. Operationalizes and applies the APRN core competencies to the major APRN roles: the Clinical Nurse Specialist, the Primary Care Nurse Practitioner, the Acute Care Nurse Practitioner (both adult-gerontology and pediatric), the Certified Nurse-Midwife, and the Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist. Content on managing APRN environments addresses factors such as business planning and reimbursement; marketing, negotiating, and contracting; regulatory, legal, and credentialing requirements; health policy; and nursing outcomes and performance improvement research. NEW! Future Technologies Influencing APRN Practice chapter highlights and guides APRNs to assess and critique technology applications and practices in areas such as technology-assisted communication; diagnostic, therapeutic, and procedural devices, and apps; clinical decision support and analytics; and cybersecurity. UPDATED! Key content updates throughout include: Updates to reflect applicable changes from all new foundational documents: American Association of Colleges of Nursing‘s The Essentials: Core Competencies for Professional Nursing Education (2021) National Academy of Medicine‘s Future of Nursing 2020-2030 Report American Nurses Association‘s Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 4 th Edition (2021) International Council of Nurses‘ Guidelines on Advanced Practice Nursing (2020) Expanded International chapter, with added International Exemplars Additional discussion of the impact of the lack of an APRN Compact, particularly for those APRNs who practice in telehealth and/or care for patients across state/provincial lines Additional content in the Acute Care Nurse Practitioner chapter that discusses both the Adult-Gerontology and the Pediatric Acute Care Nurse Practitioner (ACNP) role Additional content throughout on social determinants of health and diversity, equity, and inclusion as applicable to the APRN role Updated chapter with in-depth discussion of strategies for APRN competency development that outlines how RNs transition into an APRN role, including stages depicting how APRN students build the competencies to achieve mastery Updated and classic Exemplar boxes (case studies/vignettes) that emphasize innovative practices and coverage of advanced practice roles. UPDATED! Improved full-color graphic and increased illustrations promote learning and ease of use. NEW! References restored to the printed book and ebook facilitate quick reference.
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