Short Stories Volume IX - Infos zum Artikel - Preisvergleich
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Short Stories - Volume IX

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Classic from the year 2009 in the subject English Language and Literature Studies - Literature, , language: English, abstract: Mrs. Lirriper‘s Legacy*** CHAPTER I ¿ MRS. LIRRIPER RELATES HOW SHE WENT ON, AND WENT OVER*** Ah! It‘s pleasant to drop into my own easy-chair my dear though a little palpitating what with trotting up-stairs and what with trotting down, and why kitchen stairs should all be corner stairs is for the builders to justify though I do not think they fully understand their trade and never did, else why the sameness and why not more conveniences and fewer draughts and likewise making a practice of laying the plaster on too thick I am well convinced which holds the damp, and as to chimney-pots putting them on by guess-work like hats at a party and no more knowing what their effect will be upon the smoke bless you than I do if so much, except that it will mostly be either to send it down your throat in a straight form or give it a twist before it goes there. [...] *** Mrs. Lirriper‘s Lodgings*** CHAPTER I ¿ HOW MRS. LIRRIPER CARRIED ON THE BUSINESS*** Whoever would begin to be worried with letting Lodgings that wasn‘t a lone woman with a living to get is a thing inconceivable to me, my dear; excuse the familiarity, but it comes natural to me in my own little room, when wishing to open my mind to those that I can trust, and I should be truly thankful if they were all mankind, but such is not so, for have but a Furnished bill in the window and your watch on the mantelpiece, and farewell to it if you turn your back for but a second, however gentlemanly the manners; nor is being of your own sex any safeguard, as I have reason, in the form of sugar-tongs to know, for that lady (and a fine woman she was) got me to run for a glass of water, on the plea of going to be confined, which certainly turned out true, but it was in the Station-house.[...] *** Mugby Junction*** Chapter I--Barbox Brothers*** ‘Guard! What place is this?‘ ‘Mugby Junction, sir.‘ ‘A windy place!‘ ‘Yes, it mostly is, sir.‘ ‘And looks comfortless indeed!‘ ‘Yes, it generally does, sir.‘ ‘Is it a rainy night still?‘ ‘Pours, sir.‘ ‘Open the door. I‘ll get out.‘ ‘You‘ll have, sir,‘ said the guard, glistening with drops of wet, and looking at the tearful face of his watch by the light of his lantern as the traveller descended, ‘three minutes here.‘ ‘More, I think.--For I am not going on.‘ ‘Thought you had a through ticket, sir?‘ ‘So I have, but I shall sacrifice the rest of it. I want my luggage.‘ [...]

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