Saturate Your Cells with the Healing Schumann Resonance (7.83Hz) - (EAN 4066339801059) - Produktinformationen und Preisvergleich
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Saturate Your Cells with the Healing Schumann Resonance (7.83Hz)

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We live in a time when technology surrounds us with human made wavelengths that disrupt the natural frequency of the Earth. Wi-Fi, cell phones, and an array of electronics are part of our everyday lives. It is also why our personal biofields are often out of balance with the Earth‘s electromagnetic frequency. It has been shown through scientific experiments that attunement with the planet‘s own natural frequency of 7.83Hz allows people to experience benefits such as enhanced learning/memory, cellular rejuvenation, energetic balance, reduced stress, grounding, and deep relaxation. Experience the Schumann Frequency now to: - Saturate your cells with the Schumann Resonance; - Enhance your life energy + Help harmonize & rejuvenate the body‘s physical structure; - Project the Schumann Resonance vibration directly into the physical body; - Restore balance to bone, nerves, lymph and body tissue, bathing them with the natural healing frequency of the Schumann Resonance; - Stimulate the nervous system and vibrate the body with deep grounding earth tones; - Facilitate the release of tension from the body, bringing a sense of deep relaxation and calming peace; - Work with acupuncture, acupressure, hypnosis and other body therapies; - Relax, align, and restore health. Content: All six tracks (length of 15 - 60 minutes) vary between 1 and 10 Hz and lead you to the Schumann Resonance Frequency of 7.83 Hz, the most effective frequency for deep relaxation. Note: Our hearing has a considerable degree of sensitivity. For example, we can be hypnotized only by hearing. Laptop speakers are often too small to transmit the full sound spectrum of this audiobook. We therefore recommend external speakers or quality headphones for a perfect effect. This way you can fully enjoy the intended effect.

Anbieter: Thalia DE
ab 9.95 Euro*
(zzgl. 0.00 EUR* Euro Versand)
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Saturate Your Cells with the Healing Schumann Resonance (7.83Hz) - Preisvergleich (EAN 4066339801059)

ab 9,95 €*
+ 0,00 € Versand*
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Saturate Your Cells with the Healing Schumann Resonance (7.83Hz) Thalia DE zum Artikel

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