A Beginners Guide to the Art of Leather Crafting (eBook, ePUB) - (EAN 6610000602940) - Produktinformationen und Preisvergleich
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A Beginners Guide to the Art of Leather Crafting (eBook, ePUB)

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Welcome to the beautiful world of the art of leather crafting for all time! An essential guide for beginners and experienced hands alikeEasy-to-understand compendium with well-described leather preparation processesGain invaluable tips on the use of leather working tools such as punches, stamps, bevellers, etc, and other leather preservation and working methodsAcquire leatherworking skills such as lacing & braiding, embossing, forming, and stamping, etc. The art of leather crafting is as old as mankind itself and this piece of the historical growth of man is a pleasurable and productive process that has evolved through the years. Beginners, intermediate, or experienced-level leather craftspeople looking for varying types of information that will give a boost to their confidence, A Beginners Guide to the Art of Leather Crafting is your go-to companion in this beautiful craft. Clarence gently eases you into what leather is all about, the types of leather, how it is produced, and the different tools of importance used in shaping and working on leather. High-level tips are given on simple DIY leather projects. Also included is an in-depth description on the process of leather finishing which encompasses leather paints, dyes, stains, waxing, and sealants. Descriptions are given on how to apply these materials onto your leather surface to preserve them and give them a unique look. This book will provide you with the essential skills that you required to make projects such as grips for wooden cabinets, leather jewelry, leather pouch, leather charm accessory and so much more! Begin your leather crafting journey today!

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A Beginners Guide to the Art of Leather Crafting (eBook, ePUB) - Preisvergleich (EAN 6610000602940)

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A Beginners Guide to the Art of Leather Crafting (eBook, ePUB) buecher DE zum Artikel
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A Beginners Guide to the Art of Leather Crafting (eBook, ePUB) buecher DE zum Artikel
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