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From the bestselling author Karin Slaughter, a triple bill of Grant County novels: Indelible, Faithless and Skin Privilege, all in one thrilling ebook file. Indelible When medical examiner Sara Linton and police chief Jeffrey Tolliver take a trip away from the small town of Heartsdale - an escape from all the pressures on their relationship - it should be a straightforward holiday. But they decide to take a detour via Jeffrey‘s hometown and things go violently wrong when Jeffrey‘s best friend Robert shoots dead an intruder who breaks into his house. Twelve years later, Sara and Jeffrey are caught up in a shockingly brutal attack which threatens to destroy both their lives. But they‘re not random victims. They‘ve been targeted. And it seems the past is catching up with both of them... Faithless A walk in the woods takes a sinister turn for police chief Jeffrey Tolliver and medical examiner Sara Linton when they stumble across the body of a young girl. Incarcerated in the ground, all the initial evidence indicates that she has, quite literally, been scared to death. But as Sara embarks on the autopsy, something even more horrifying comes to light. Detective Lena Adams is called in from vacation to help with the investigation - and the trail soon leads to the neighbouring county, an isolated community, and a terrible secret... Skin Privilege Lena Adams has spent her life struggling to escape Reece, the small town which nearly destroyed her. She‘s made a new life for herself as a police detective in Heartsdale, a hundred miles away - but nothing could prepare her for the violence which explodes when she is forced to return. A vicious murder leaves a young woman incinerated beyond recognition. And Lena is the only suspect. Heartsdale police chief Jeffrey Tolliver, Lena‘s boss, has no choice but to go to Lena‘s aid - taking with him his wife, medical examiner Sara Linton. But soon after their arrival, a second victim is found. The town closes ranks. And both Jeffrey and Sara find themselves entangled in a horrifying underground world of bigotry and rage. But can they discover the truth before the killer strikes again?
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