Debbie Macomber - Cedar Cove Series (3-In-1 Collection) - (EAN 9781501276880) - Produktinformationen und Preisvergleich
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Debbie Macomber - Cedar Cove Series (3-In-1 Collection)

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Three novels from Debbie Macomber‘s Cedar Cover series together in one collection Olivia Lockhart 16 Lighthouse Road Cedar Cove, Washington Dear Listener, You don‘t know me yet, but in a few hours that‘s going to change. You see, I‘m inviting you to my home and my town of Cedar Cove because I want you to meet my family, friends, and neighbors. Come and hear their stories--maybe even their secrets! I have to admit that my own secrets are pretty open. My marriage failed some years ago, and I have a rather...difficult relationship with my daughter, Justine. Then there‘s my mother, Charlotte, who has plenty of opinions and is always willing to share them. Here‘s an example: I‘m a family court judge and she likes to drop in on my courtroom. Recently I was hearing a divorce petition. In Charlotte‘s view, young Cecilia and Ian Randall hadn‘t tried hard enough to make their marriage work--and I agreed. So I rendered my judgement: Divorce Denied. Well, you wouldn‘t believe the reaction! Thanks to an article by Jack Griffin, the editor of our local paper (and a man I wouldn‘t mind seeing more of!), everyone‘s talking. Cedar Cove--people love it and sometimes they leave it, but they never forget it! See you soon.... Olivia Grace Sherman 204 Rosewood Lane Cedar Cove, Washington Dear Listener, If you‘ve been to Cedar Cove before we‘ve probably met. You can usually find me either at home or at the public library, where I work. I‘ve lived in this town all my life and raised two daughters here. But my husband and I--well, about six months ago, he disappeared. Just...disappeared. Where‘s Dan? Why did he go? Who‘s he with? Will I ever find out? My hometown, my family and friends, bring me comfort during this difficult time. Comfort and a sense of shelter. I‘m continually reminded that life can and does go on. For instance, everyone‘s been discussing weddings and babies lately. Justine--the only daughter of my best friend, Olivia Lockhart--impulsively got married a little while ago. My own daughter Kelly recently had a baby. Unfortunately, she refuses to accept that Dan might not return to see his first grandchild. My older daughter, Maryellen, is more realistic. I think she‘s seeing a new man, but for some reason she won‘t tell me who it is. Then there‘s Jack, who‘s been pursuing a romance with Olivia, and his son, Eric, and Eric‘s girlfriend, Shelly (I think she‘s pregnant), and Zach and Rosemary Cox, whose marriage is reputedly on the skids and...Well, just come on over and we‘ll talk! Grace Rosie Cox 311 Pelican Court Cedar Cove, Washington Dear Listener, One thing about Cedar Cove--people sure are interested in what other people are doing. Take me, for instance. Everybody in the town knows that my husband, Zach, and I recently got a divorce. Everybody also knows that Judge Olivia Lockhart decreed a pretty unusual custody arrangement. It won‘t be the kids moving between my place and Zach‘s. We‘re the ones who‘ll be going back and forth! Olivia isn‘t immune to gossip herself. Will she stay with Jack, the guy who runs our local paper, or will she get back with her ex? Inquiring minds want to know! But the really big gossip has to do with the dead guy--the man who died at a local bed-and-breakfast. Who is he and why did he show up there in the middle of the night? Roy McAfee, our local private investigator, is absolutely determined to find out. I hope he does--and then I‘ll let you know! See you soon.... Rosie

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Debbie Macomber - Cedar Cove Series (3-In-1 Collection) - Preisvergleich (EAN 9781501276880)

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Debbie Macomber - Cedar Cove Series (3-In-1 Collection) Thalia DE zum Artikel

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