Gods of Kiranis (eBook, ePUB) - (EAN 9781738467693) - Produktinformationen und Preisvergleich
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Gods of Kiranis (eBook, ePUB)

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AWARDSWinner in Science Fiction Category - NYC Big Book Award 2021A UNIVERSE AWAKENSA mysterious structure encompasses Earth, and while the Church of the New Elect prepares for communion with the Sentience, a dark and distant world is reborn.Making an alliance with a powerful and enigmatic species, humankind is brought to a terrible realisation: they do not belong in this universe.Cassandra Messina was warned these days would come, and she believes God is on her side.But the one who speaks from the shadows is not a god at all.Not even close.REVIEWS"...the Sci-Fi equivalent of Jordan‘s Wheel of Time series..." Monster Librarian"The pace is fast...packed with action...merges fantasy with science fiction in an intricate plot. The background building is intense, the plot is complex, and the characters are realistic...a series to keep an eye on." Readers‘ Favorite 5-Star Review"The premise is new, the setting intricate, with the action and twists in the plot continuous, unexpected, and engaging. Elements of science fiction and fantasy that you may think you are familiar with are given new nuance, with a host of characters and species that will leave you wanting more. If you like your science fiction fast, furious, and twisting, this one is for you." Ishmael A. Soledad, Author of Sha‘Kert: End of Night"...explanations are [sharp], characters are [...] alive, the pace is [...] fast...[s]trong characters both male and female - refreshingly strong female characters, actually. All in all, highly recommended." Goodreads ReviewerRonald A. Geobey‘s bold new Science Fantasy Series is reinvigorated under the Temple Dark Books label, and is founded upon the author‘s love of such Sci-Fi staples as Frank Herbert‘s Dune; Star Wars; Star Trek; Battlestar Galactica, and many more. He also incorporates his passion for the Fantasy works of David Gemmell; David Eddings; Raymond E. Feist; and Terry Brooks. With an undercurrent of theology and religious allusion drawn from the author‘s academic background the Kiranis story is an enormous tale incorporating classic Sci-Fi and Fantasy tropes while introducing an entirely new way to merge these kindred genres. But before you reach the end, the question will be put to you: Can you figure out the Prophet‘s plan?

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Gods of Kiranis (eBook, ePUB) - Preisvergleich (EAN 9781738467693)

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