Quantum God - (EAN 9781789323245) - Produktinformationen und Preisvergleich
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Quantum God

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This audiobook has been recorded using Text to speech (TTS). Do you believe in God? If so, which one? Is it the Christian all-knowing, all-seeing father of Jesus? Is it Allah of Islam? The many deities of Hinduism? Or are you one of those that believes in God but not religion? Whichever box you tick on the form, you have some kind of belief. Even if you‘re an atheist, you believe there is no God. That we all came from nothing. But there are massive questions that mankind has asked from the very beginning. Where did everything come from? Is there a meaning to our lives? Are we alone in the universe? These questions and many more have fascinated mankind from the moment he could reason. And eventually we created a thing called science to discover the answers. To many, science eradicated the need for God to answer all the questions we could not answer. Delete faith and replace with scientific facts. The problem is that science has not yet answered all of the questions and many believe it never will. Or has it? Today we are beginning to understand the complexities and even strangeness of the sub-atomic world. This new quantum realm is opening up new avenues of research and new inventions. All things are made of particles. The entire universe is formed from them. And now we are creating quantum computers that think at the quantum level. What answers will the union of artificial intelligence and this amazing quantum world bring? Will we now have the answers to the ultimate questions? This is the story of the new scientific world of particle physics and the amazing unseen world it reveals.

Anbieter: Thalia DE
ab 4.49 Euro*
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Quantum God - Preisvergleich (EAN 9781789323245)

ab 4,49 €*
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