Life was not easy 1898 - (EAN 9783753176178) - Produktinformationen und Preisvergleich
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Life was not easy 1898

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The barley grew on the doorstep. The farmers brought their barley to the brewery and in return they got fresh draft beer to take home with them. Of course, the brewer had to get hops and malt. But if he brought brewing barley to the malt house, he could take malt and hops home with him for his brewery. The maltster bought the hops from the hops merchants. Hops and malt, God save, said the men Wine was already growing in the Main Valley from The Franconian wine was known as sorrel. The sunny days were just not enough. There was also a lack of professionally trained winemakers. Because Maria got along better and better in the household, she was asked to help out in the kitchen at family celebrations in the village. At the beginning she only helped in the various households with the preparation of the dishes. She baked cheesecakes and turned the desserts into delicious desserts. Where did you learn these subtleties from, it became more and more common asked. Oh, my aunt Julia from Berlin gave me a Berlin cookery and baking book years ago. I used it to try the recipes at home. Almost all of the villagers wanted to get Maria involved in their celebrations from now on. Nobody else in the village could prepare the Orginal Marie Meals so well Because word got around over the years that Bendl‘s Marie, as she was called, was reliably the main person in the kitchen, more and more people wanted to hire Maria to bake and cook. Maria immediately packed a package with bread, sausage and ham and put money in an envelope in the shipment. She went to the post office and posted the package. The postman properly franked the shipment. Reinwand, that was the surname of the postman, wanted to know what was in the shipment. Oh just something to eat for my brother in Hamburg. Has your brother arrived in Hamburg now? Asked the postman. Yes, said Maria. If the parcel is addressed to the Salvation Army, then Ludwig is definitely in an emergency

Anbieter: Thalia DE
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Life was not easy 1898 - Preisvergleich (EAN 9783753176178)

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