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Jesus prayed for Strength in the Garden of Gethsemane before His 6 Trials (Bible Books for His Glory, #5)
Jesus prayed for Strength in the Garden of Gethsemane before His 6 Trials is a book crafted explicitly for youth groups, Jesus lovers, church leaders, Bible study groups, and families eager for a deeper understanding of our Lord Jesus Christ. The author, understanding the unique needs of these groups, has filled this book with conceptual color illustrations that will resonate with them and has included a study guide for their convenience. This book describes the following points: After the Last Supper, on Passover Seder, Jesus took His Disciples to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray. Jesus prayed 3 times, ‘ Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done. ‘ Jesus requested Peter, John, and James to watch and pray. Three times, he found them sleeping instead. Jesus was so dreading the upcoming torture that He sweated blood. Jesus‘ love for all humankind (past, present, and future) exceeded His fear. He agreed to suffer unspeakable torture and pain, make atonement for all people‘s sins, and allow the Roman soldiers to crucify Him. Judas Iscariot came with armed soldiers to capture Jesus. He singled Him out by giving Jesus a kiss of betrayal. After Jesus‘ midnight arrest, He endured six trials early Friday of 30 AD: 1 AM : Trial 1 of 6 at the residence of the former High Priest, Annas 2 AM : Trial 2 of 6 at the residence of High Priest Caiaphas, As predicted, Peter denied Christ 3 times before the cock crowed. 3-4 AM : Trial 3 of 6 at Sanhedrin Hall. The Jewish elders declared Jesus was guilty and deserving of death. Out of guilt, before hanging himself, Judas tried to return the 30 pieces of silver the Sanhedrin paid him. 6 AM : Pontius Pilate presided over trial 4 of 6 7 AM : King Herod presided over trial 5 of 6 . 8 AM : Pontius Pilate presided over trial 6 of 6 . Pilate ordered his Roman soldiers to scourge Jesus. He allowed them to torture Jesus brutally and shove a Crown of Thorns into His skull. As a Passover tradition, the people demanded Pilate release the murderer, Barabbas, and crucify the guiltless Jesus. Pilate washed His hands of this innocent man‘s blood. Fifty percent (50%) of all book sales will be donated to Covenant Hous e to ‘join the fight to end youth homelessness.‘ About the Author : Debbie Dunn has been a professional storyteller since 1989. She has also taught at-risk teens, served as an anti-bullying specialist, and taught elementary and middle school. In her retirement years, she indulges her love of our Lord Jesus Christ, nature, traveling, and writing as she pursues learning and exploring more about the Holy Bible.
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