lost Shorts (Seite 13) - Preisvergleich
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lost Shorts - Preisvergleich

The Unreal and the Real Volume 1

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@2@@18@The Unreal and the Real is a @19@ two-volume collection of stories, selected by Ursula Le Guin herself, and spans the spectrum of fiction from realism through magical realism, satire, science f...

Anbieter: Thalia DE
ab 11.79 €*
(zzgl. 0.00 EUR* € Versand)
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Lost in Hollywood: The Fast Times and Short Life of River Phoenix

"Lost in Hollywood: The Fast Times and Short Life of River Phoenix" ist eine Biographie des Schauspielers River Phoenix, geschrieben von John Glatt. Das Buch beleuchtet das Leben und die Kar...

Anbieter: Studibuch Shop DE
ab 11.80 €*
(zzgl. 0.00* € Versand)
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‘If the antidote to a year of solitude and trauma is art, then this novel is the answer. It is superb‘ SUNDAY TIMES ‘A rare kind of literary celebrity‘ VOGUE ‘A hypnotic ...

Anbieter: Thalia DE
ab 11.99 €*
(zzgl. 0.00 EUR* € Versand)
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The Lottery and Other Stories

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This is the definitive collection of Shirley Jackson‘s short stories, including ‘The Lottery‘ - one of the most terrifying and iconic stories of the twentieth century, and an influen...

Anbieter: Thalia DE
ab 11.99 €*
(zzgl. 0.00 EUR* € Versand)
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Liar‘s Point

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Two homicide detectives must separate the puzzling truth from a growing web of lies while investigating a murder victim’s friends and lovers in Lost Beach, Texas. Detective Nicole Lawson is fed up w...

Anbieter: Thalia DE
ab 11.99 €*
(zzgl. 0.00 EUR* € Versand)
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Learn Spanish

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Learn Spanish to Help You Travel! Enjoy 2 FREE gifts with your purchase of this book: a mastermind group membership and a special report for planning the life of your dreams. So, you‘re going to...

Anbieter: Thalia DE
ab 11.99 €*
(zzgl. 0.00 EUR* € Versand)
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Ghostly Tales

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Four spine-tingling short stories from masters of the genre, read by Michael Maloney, Eleanor Bron, and Andrew Sachs In ‘The Phantom Coach,‘ by Amelia B. Edwards, a young man lost on the m...

Anbieter: Thalia DE
ab 11.99 €*
(zzgl. 0.00 EUR* € Versand)
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Master and Man

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Tolstoy is known primarily for his epic novels like War and Peace and Anna Karenina, but he also wrote a number of excellent short pieces that carry the same kind of themes on a much smaller scale. Tw...

Anbieter: Thalia DE
ab 11.99 €*
(zzgl. 0.00 EUR* € Versand)
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I‘d Die for You

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A collection including the last complete unpublished short stories by F. Scott Fitzgerald, the iconic American writer of The Great Gatsby who is more widely read today than ever. I‘d Die for You...

Anbieter: Thalia DE
ab 11.99 €*
(zzgl. 0.00 EUR* € Versand)
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Catacombs: A Tale of the Barque Cats

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In Catalyst, award-winning authors Anne McCaffrey and Elizabeth Ann Scarborough introduced listeners to the beguiling Barque Cats: spacefaring felines who serve aboard starships as full-fledged member...

Anbieter: Thalia DE
ab 11.99 €*
(zzgl. 0.00 EUR* € Versand)
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Crash!: How I Lost a Hundred Billion and Found True Love

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No writer can get more laughs out of economic disaster than two-time Bollinger Everyman Wodehouse finalist Julian Gough, whose piercing satire deftly elucidates complicated economic concepts through h...

Anbieter: Thalia DE
ab 11.99 €*
(zzgl. 0.00 EUR* € Versand)
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Learn Spanish

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Learn Spanish to Help You Travel! Enjoy 2 FREE gifts with your purchase of this book: a mastermind group membership and a special report for planning the life of your dreams. So, you‘re going to...

Anbieter: Thalia DE
ab 11.99 €*
(zzgl. 0.00 EUR* € Versand)
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Valerie and Her Week of Wonders

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Fiction. Translated from the Czech by David Short, with illustrations by Kamil Lhotak. Written in 1935 at the height of Czech Surrealism but not published until 1945, VALERIE AND HER WEEK OF WONDERS i...

Anbieter: Thalia DE
ab 12.09 €*
(zzgl. 0.00 EUR* € Versand)
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The Burning Shadow

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#1 New York Times, USA Today, and internationally bestselling author Jennifer L. Armentrout returns to the world of the Lux with The Burning Shadow, the steamy, shocking second installment of the Orig...

Anbieter: Thalia DE
ab 12.29 €*
(zzgl. 0.00 EUR* € Versand)
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ab 12.49 €*
(zzgl. 0.00* € Versand)
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100 Stories from the Tokyo Ghost Café

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Abducted by spirits from his village, lost boy Akira must make the long journey in north Japan to find his family and save his young sister, before time runs out. Voyaging deeper and deeper into a Jap...

Anbieter: Thalia DE
ab 12.49 €*
(zzgl. 0.00 EUR* € Versand)
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The Return of Sherlock Holmes I

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When Sherlock Holmes met his demise in ‘The Adventure of the Final Problem,‘ published in 1893, the distress of the unsuspecting reading public was profound. For years fans showed no signs...

Anbieter: Thalia DE
ab 12.49 €*
(zzgl. 0.00 EUR* € Versand)
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Lost in the Funhouse

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NATIONAL BOOK AWARD FINALIST • John Barth‘s lively, highly original collection of short pieces is a major landmark of experimental fiction exploring themes of purpose and the meaning of existe...

Anbieter: Thalia DE
ab 12.69 €*
(zzgl. 0.00 EUR* € Versand)
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The Collected Stories of 1920 - 1925

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F. Scott Fitzgerald‘s ‘The Collected Stories of 1920-1925‘ offers readers a glimpse into the Roaring Twenties through a collection of short stories that showcase the era‘s deca...

Anbieter: Thalia DE
ab 12.70 €*
(zzgl. 0.00 EUR* € Versand)
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Late and Soon

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‘Late and Soon‘ (1943) - It is the story of Valentine Arbell, a widowed chatelaine and her two daughters living in a large country house. One of her daughters, Primrose has an affair with ...

Anbieter: Thalia DE
ab 12.80 €*
(zzgl. 0.00 EUR* € Versand)
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Late and Soon

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Excerpt: ‘The rain, slanting and silver, drove lightly across the terrace and down the grassy hollows of the park where nettles and docks and bramble bushes grew freely amongst the clumps of yel...

Anbieter: Thalia DE
ab 12.80 €*
(zzgl. 0.00 EUR* € Versand)
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The Best American Short Stories 2023

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A collection of the year’s best short stories, selected by National Book Award finalist Min Jin Lee and series editor Heidi Pitlor. “Without stories, we cannot live well;” shares guest editor Mi...

Anbieter: Thalia DE
ab 12.89 €*
(zzgl. 0.00 EUR* € Versand)
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As heard on BBC Radio 4‘s Front Row: the radical dystopian classic, lost for forty years: in a nightmarish Britain, THEY are coming closer. ‘A creepily prescient tale ... Insidiously horri...

Anbieter: Thalia DE
ab 12.99 €*
(zzgl. 0.00 EUR* € Versand)
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Short Stories - Volume I

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Classic from the year 2009 in the subject English Language and Literature Studies - Literature, , language: English, abstract: The Begging-Letter Writer The amount of money he annually diverts from wh...

Anbieter: Thalia DE
ab 12.99 €*
(zzgl. 0.00 EUR* € Versand)
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A Study Guide for John Barth‘s ‘Lost in the Funhouse‘

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A Study Guide for John Barth‘s ‘Lost in the Funhouse,‘ excerpted from Gale‘s acclaimed Short Stories for Students. This concise study guide includes plot summary; character ana...

Anbieter: Thalia DE
ab 12.99 €*
(zzgl. 0.00 EUR* € Versand)
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