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TRIUMPH THE - Preisvergleich

Über 1000 Artikel gefunden ... Bitte verfeinern sie ihre Suche für weitere Ergebnisse

Two Planets: One life (eBook, ePUB)

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This book is dedicated to children navigating shared parenting in different home environments. It is written from the perspectives of three alien children who must navigate life between two completely...

Anbieter: buecher DE
ab 3.49 €*
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Eighteen- An Autobiography (Friends and Family Version) (eBook, ePUB)

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In "Eighteen: An Autobiography (Friends and Family Version)," Vinayak Singh Oberoi deepens the narrative of his life, focusing on the meaningful relationships that have shaped his journey. T...

Anbieter: buecher DE
ab 3.49 €*
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Two Planets: One life (eBook, ePUB)

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This book is dedicated to children navigating shared parenting in different home environments. It is written from the perspectives of three alien children who must navigate life between two completely...

Anbieter: buecher DE
ab 3.49 €*
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Eighteen- An Autobiography (Friends and Family Version) (eBook, ePUB)

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In "Eighteen: An Autobiography (Friends and Family Version)," Vinayak Singh Oberoi deepens the narrative of his life, focusing on the meaningful relationships that have shaped his journey. T...

Anbieter: buecher DE
ab 3.49 €*
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A Comedy of Terrors

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***The Sunday Times Crime Club Star Pick*** ‘Lighthearted, witty and effortlessly clever, just like its wonderful heroine, this is a window into ancient Rome, and a tonic and a joy to read‘...

Anbieter: Thalia DE
ab 3.49 €*
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Eighteen- An Autobiography (Friends and Family Version)

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In ‘Eighteen: An Autobiography (Friends and Family Version),‘ Vinayak Singh Oberoi deepens the narrative of his life, focusing on the meaningful relationships that have shaped his journey....

Anbieter: Thalia DE
ab 3.49 €*
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Sir Michael Caine: The Biography

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"Sir Michael Caine: The Biography" von Andrew Wincott ist eine umfassende Biographie über den legendären britischen Schauspieler Sir Michael Caine. Das Buch zeichnet sein Leben und seine K...

Anbieter: Studibuch Shop DE
ab 3.50 €*
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A Time to Heal: Triumph Over Cancer - The Therapy of the Future

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"A Time to Heal: Triumph Over Cancer - The Therapy of the Future" von Beata Bishop ist ein inspirierendes Buch, das die persönliche Geschichte der Autorin über ihren Kampf und Sieg gegen M...

Anbieter: Studibuch Shop DE
ab 3.54 €*
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The Weave of the Universe (eBook, ePUB)

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In a small town in Vermont, the abandoned mill and 22 Birch Grove Lane holds a mysterious past and a generations-old curse. Sal, a young boy grappling with loss and isolation, discovers the haunting h...

Anbieter: buecher DE
ab 3.56 €*
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The Weave of the Universe (eBook, ePUB)

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In a small town in Vermont, the abandoned mill and 22 Birch Grove Lane holds a mysterious past and a generations-old curse. Sal, a young boy grappling with loss and isolation, discovers the haunting h...

Anbieter: buecher DE
ab 3.56 €*
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How to Be a Sister

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"Here we are, then, Margaret. . You have made my life indescribably different from what I could ever have imagined." Eileen Garvin‘s older sister, Margaret, has autism. Growing up with...

Anbieter: Studibuch Shop DE
ab 3.60 €*
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For the Record: Conversations with People Who Have Shaped the Way We Listen to Music

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"For the Record: Conversations with People Who Have Shaped the Way We Listen to Music" ist eine Sammlung von Interviews, die Torsten Schmidt mit einigen der einflussreichsten Persönlichkeit...

Anbieter: Studibuch Shop DE
ab 3.77 €*
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Freedom Sailors: The Maiden Voyage of the Free Gaza movement and how we succeeded in spite of ...

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"Freedom Sailors: The Maiden Voyage of the Free Gaza Movement and How We Succeeded in Spite of Ourselves" von Greta Berlin ist ein beeindruckendes Zeugnis des menschlichen Mutes und der Ents...

Anbieter: Studibuch Shop DE
ab 3.89 €*
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The Measure of All Things

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In June 1792, amidst the chaos of the French Revolution, two intrepid astronomers set out in opposite directions on an extraordinary journey. Starting in Paris, Jean-Baptiste-Joseph Delambre would mak...

Anbieter: Studibuch Shop DE
ab 3.90 €*
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2 Madrigals from triumphs of thusnelda 1

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The Queen to me a royal pain doth give

Anbieter: Notenbuch DE
ab 3.95 €*
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Robinson Crusoe - Audiobook

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Robinson Crusoe is a timeless classic that tells the gripping tale of a young man‘s journey from ambition to survival. First published in 1719, the novel chronicles the adventures of Robinson Cr...

Anbieter: Thalia DE
ab 3.95 €*
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Lingua Latina - Indices

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Contains list of Roman consuls and their triumphs (Fasti consulares and Fasti triumphales), a name index (Index nominum) and a word index (Index vocabulorum) of all the words used in both parts of the...

Anbieter: Studibuch Shop DE
ab 3.98 €*
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Cyan Waters: A Story From the Poolrooms (eBook, ePUB)

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Vuk Petrovic once believed he controlled his destinyuntil the day he collapsed in the middle of a corporate triumph. He awakens in a dreamscape turned malignant: corridors of shimmering cyan water tha...

Anbieter: buecher DE
ab 3.99 €*
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Home Among the Stars (NPCs: Chronicles of the Galactic Engineer, #5) (eBook, ePUB)

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A Legacy Written in the StarsDecades after the Voidborn War, Home Among the Stars brings the story of Reya Pax full circle. Once a young naval engineer navigating life aboard starships, Reya now lives...

Anbieter: buecher DE
ab 3.99 €*
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Cyan Waters: A Story From the Poolrooms (eBook, ePUB)

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Vuk Petrovic once believed he controlled his destinyuntil the day he collapsed in the middle of a corporate triumph. He awakens in a dreamscape turned malignant: corridors of shimmering cyan water tha...

Anbieter: buecher DE
ab 3.99 €*
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Home Among the Stars (NPCs: Chronicles of the Galactic Engineer, #5) (eBook, ePUB)

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A Legacy Written in the StarsDecades after the Voidborn War, Home Among the Stars brings the story of Reya Pax full circle. Once a young naval engineer navigating life aboard starships, Reya now lives...

Anbieter: buecher DE
ab 3.99 €*
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The Epic of the Apostles (eBook, ePUB)

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The Epic of the Apostles: A Poetic Journey Through the Lives of Jesus‘ DisciplesStep into the sandals of the twelve men who walked alongside the Savior of the world. In The Epic of the Apostles:...

Anbieter: buecher DE
ab 3.99 €*
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The Epic of the Apostles (eBook, ePUB)

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The Epic of the Apostles: A Poetic Journey Through the Lives of Jesus‘ DisciplesStep into the sandals of the twelve men who walked alongside the Savior of the world. In The Epic of the Apostles:...

Anbieter: buecher DE
ab 3.99 €*
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The Mortlake Manuscript

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Reggie Oliver is a stage actor and playwright. His biography of Stella Gibbons was praised as ‘a triumph‘ by Hilary Spurling in the Daily Telegraph, his play Winner Takes All, was describe...

Anbieter: Thalia DE
ab 3.99 €*
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The Dancer in the Dark

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Reggie Oliver is a stage actor and playwright. His biography of Stella Gibbons was praised as ‘a triumph‘ by Hilary Spurling in the Daily Telegraph, his play Winner Takes All, was describe...

Anbieter: Thalia DE
ab 3.99 €*
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