Meat-free Mexican - (EAN 9781529371840) - Produktinformationen und Preisvergleich
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Meat-free Mexican

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‘This is full of recipes which are fresh, fiery and fun. There is something so convivial and energetic about Mexican food, which Thomasina captures so well.‘ YOTAM OTTOLENGHI ‘ Meat-Free Mexican proves that you don‘t need meat to make bold, tasty and exciting Mexican food, from the comfort of your own home. Thomasina never fails to inspire and this book is no exception. I can‘t wait to try these dishes!‘ GORDON RAMSAY ‘Recipes filled to the brim with bold, beautiful, colourful & exciting flavours. Tommi has a real knack for creating happy making food. I want to eat everything in this book.‘ SKYE GYNGELL ‘Vegetable recipes to blow your mind and thrill your tastebuds.‘ DIANA HENRY ‘Thomasina Miers captures the dazzling biodiversity of plant life that exists within Mexican cooking: herbs, zucchini blossoms, chillis, wild mushrooms, and so much more come alive in these vibrant recipes.‘ ALICE WATERS ‘Every time I speak about food or life with Thomasina, she radiates a passion that immediately makes you feel welcome and happy, I honestly could not think of a better host than her. This book is a reflection of that personality, dedication, curiosity and her quest to share great Mexican cooking in a healthy way exploring what vegetables have to offer, I cannot wait to try it all!‘ SANTIAGO LASTRA Heap flavour onto your plates and fill your kitchen with Tommi‘s Mexican-inspired vegetarian and vegan recipes. Celebrating fresh, seasonal vegetables, earthy pulses and bold herbs, this is an enticing collection of recipes that are simple enough to cook every day and delicious enough to cook for feasts, with seasonal and dairy-free swap-ins to cater for every month and diet. Starting with breakfasts to savour, Tommi then moves through mouth-watering tacos, spectacular salads, comforting enchiladas, dishes for speedy weeknight joy and a range of crowd-pleasers, all to be laden with smoky salsas, fiery chilli oils and earthy moles to layer texture and taste. With outrageously tempting cakes, tarts and puddings, plus a whole host of thirst-quenching drinks to see you from first light to sundown, there‘s something for everyone here.

Anbieter: Thalia DE
ab 32.99 Euro*
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Meat-free Mexican - Preisvergleich (EAN 9781529371840)

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